qmctorch.wavefunction.slater_jastrow_base module

class qmctorch.wavefunction.slater_jastrow_base.SlaterJastrowBase(mol, configs='ground_state', kinetic='jacobi', cuda=False, include_all_mo=True)[source]

Bases: qmctorch.wavefunction.wf_base.WaveFunction

Implementation of the QMC Network.

  • mol (Molecule) – a QMCTorch molecule object
  • configs (str, optional) – defines the CI configurations to be used. Defaults to ‘ground_state’. - ground_state : only the ground state determinant in the wave function - single(n,m) : only single excitation with n electrons and m orbitals - single_double(n,m) : single and double excitation with n electrons and m orbitals - cas(n, m) : all possible configuration using n eletrons and m orbitals
  • kinetic (str, optional) – method to compute the kinetic energy. Defaults to ‘jacobi’. - jacobi : use the Jacobi formula to compute the kinetic energy - auto : use automatic differentiation to compute the kinetic energy
  • cuda (bool, optional) – turns GPU ON/OFF Defaults to False.
  • include_all_mo (bool, optional) – include either all molecular orbitals or only the ones that are popualted in the configs. Defaults to False

Print information abut the wave function.


Returns the gemoetry of the system in xyz format

Parameters:pos (torch.tensor) – sampling points (Nbatch, 3*Nelec)
Returns:list where each element is one line of the xyz file
Return type:list

Fits the AO GTO to AO STO. The SZ sto that have only one basis function per ao

forward(x, ao=None)[source]

computes the value of the wave function for the sampling points

\[\Psi(R) = \sum_{n} c_n D^{u}_n(r^u) \times D^{d}_n(r^d)\]
  • x (torch.tensor) – sampling points (Nbatch, 3*Nelec)
  • ao (torch.tensor, optional) – values of the atomic orbitals (Nbatch, Nelec, Nao)

values of the wave functions at each sampling point (Nbatch, 1)

Return type:


>>> mol = Molecule('h2.xyz', calculator='adf', basis = 'dzp')
>>> wf = SlaterJastrow(mol, configs='cas(2,2)')
>>> pos = torch.rand(500,6)
>>> vals = wf(pos)

Get the values of the MO from the values of AO.

pos2mo(x, derivative=0)[source]

Get the values of MOs from the positions

Parameters:{torch.tensor} -- positions of the electrons [nbatch, nelec*ndim] (x) –
Keyword Arguments:
 {int} -- order of the derivative (default (derivative) – {0})
Returns:torch.tensor – MO matrix [nbatch, nelec, nmo]
kinetic_energy_jacobi(x, **kwargs)[source]

Compute the value of the kinetic enery using the Jacobi Formula. C. Filippi, Simple Formalism for Efficient Derivatives .

\[\frac{K(R)}{\Psi(R)} = Tr(A^{-1} B_{kin})\]
Parameters:x (torch.tensor) – sampling points (Nbatch, 3*Nelec)
Returns:values of the kinetic energy at each sampling points
Return type:torch.tensor
gradients_jacobi(x, pdf=False)[source]

Compute the gradients of the wave function (or density) using the Jacobi Formula C. Filippi, Simple Formalism for Efficient Derivatives.

\[\frac{K(R)}{\Psi(R)} = Tr(A^{-1} B_{grad})\]
  • x (torch.tensor) – sampling points (Nbatch, 3*Nelec)
  • pdf (bool, optional) – if true compute the grads of the density

values of the gradients wrt the walker pos at each sampling points

Return type:


get_gradient_operator(x, ao, grad_ao, mo)[source]

Compute the gradient operator

  • x ([type]) – [description]
  • ao ([type]) – [description]
  • dao ([type]) – [description]
get_hessian_operator(x, ao, dao, d2ao, mo)[source]

Compute the Bkin matrix

  • x (torch.tensor) – sampling points (Nbatch, 3*Nelec)
  • mo (torch.tensor, optional) – precomputed values of the MOs

matrix of the kinetic operator

Return type:
