Source code for qmctorch.wavefunction.slater_jastrow_base

from copy import deepcopy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from torch import nn

import torch
from .. import log
from ..utils import register_extra_attributes
from .orbitals.atomic_orbitals import AtomicOrbitals
from .pooling.orbital_configurations import OrbitalConfigurations
from .pooling.slater_pooling import SlaterPooling
from .wf_base import WaveFunction

[docs]class SlaterJastrowBase(WaveFunction): def __init__(self, mol, configs='ground_state', kinetic='jacobi', cuda=False, include_all_mo=True): """Implementation of the QMC Network. Args: mol (Molecule): a QMCTorch molecule object configs (str, optional): defines the CI configurations to be used. Defaults to 'ground_state'. - ground_state : only the ground state determinant in the wave function - single(n,m) : only single excitation with n electrons and m orbitals - single_double(n,m) : single and double excitation with n electrons and m orbitals - cas(n, m) : all possible configuration using n eletrons and m orbitals kinetic (str, optional): method to compute the kinetic energy. Defaults to 'jacobi'. - jacobi : use the Jacobi formula to compute the kinetic energy - auto : use automatic differentiation to compute the kinetic energy cuda (bool, optional): turns GPU ON/OFF Defaults to False. include_all_mo (bool, optional): include either all molecular orbitals or only the ones that are popualted in the configs. Defaults to False """ super(SlaterJastrowBase, self).__init__( mol.nelec, 3, kinetic, cuda) # check for cuda if not torch.cuda.is_available and self.cuda: raise ValueError('Cuda not available, use cuda=False') # check for conf/mo size if not include_all_mo and configs.startswith('cas('): raise ValueError( 'CAS calculation only possible with include_all_mo=True') # number of atoms self.mol = mol self.atoms = mol.atoms self.natom = mol.natom # define the SD we want self.orb_confs = OrbitalConfigurations(mol) self.configs_method = configs self.configs = self.orb_confs.get_configs(configs) self.nci = len(self.configs[0]) self.highest_occ_mo = torch.stack(self.configs).max()+1 # define the atomic orbital layer = AtomicOrbitals(mol, cuda) # define the mo layer self.include_all_mo = include_all_mo self.nmo_opt = mol.basis.nmo if include_all_mo else self.highest_occ_mo self.mo_scf = nn.Linear( mol.basis.nao, self.nmo_opt, bias=False) self.mo_scf.weight = self.get_mo_coeffs() self.mo_scf.weight.requires_grad = False if self.cuda: # define the mo mixing layer # = nn.Linear(mol.basis.nmo, self.nmo_opt, bias=False) = nn.Linear(self.nmo_opt, self.nmo_opt, bias=False) = nn.Parameter( torch.eye(self.nmo_opt, self.nmo_opt)) if self.cuda: # jastrow self.jastrow_type = None self.use_jastrow = False # define the SD pooling layer self.pool = SlaterPooling(self.configs_method, self.configs, mol, cuda) # define the linear layer self.fc = nn.Linear(self.nci, 1, bias=False)[0][0] = 1. if self.cuda: self.fc = self.kinetic_method = kinetic if kinetic == 'jacobi': self.kinetic_energy = self.kinetic_energy_jacobi gradients = 'auto' self.gradients_method = gradients if gradients == 'jacobi': self.gradients = self.gradients_jacobi if self.cuda: self.device = torch.device('cuda') # register the callable for hdf5 dump register_extra_attributes(self, ['ao', 'mo_scf', 'mo', 'jastrow', 'pool', 'fc'])
[docs] def log_data(self): """Print information abut the wave function."""'')' Wave Function')' Jastrow factor : {0}', self.use_jastrow) if self.use_jastrow: ' Jastrow kernel : {0}', self.jastrow_type)' Highest MO included : {0}', self.nmo_opt)' Configurations : {0}', self.configs_method)' Number of confs : {0}', self.nci) log.debug(' Configurations : ') for ic in range(self.nci): cstr = ' ' + ' '.join([str(i) for i in self.configs[0][ic].tolist()]) cstr += ' | ' + ' '.join([str(i) for i in self.configs[1][ic].tolist()]) log.debug(cstr)' Kinetic energy : {0}', self.kinetic_method) ' Number var param : {0}', self.get_number_parameters())' Cuda support : {0}', self.cuda) if self.cuda: ' GPU : {0}', torch.cuda.get_device_name(0))
[docs] def get_mo_coeffs(self): mo_coeff = torch.as_tensor(self.mol.basis.mos).type( torch.get_default_dtype()) if not self.include_all_mo: mo_coeff = mo_coeff[:, :self.highest_occ_mo] return nn.Parameter(mo_coeff.transpose(0, 1).contiguous())
[docs] def update_mo_coeffs(self): self.mol.atom_coords = = self.get_mo_coeffs()
[docs] def geometry(self, pos): """Returns the gemoetry of the system in xyz format Args: pos (torch.tensor): sampling points (Nbatch, 3*Nelec) Returns: list: list where each element is one line of the xyz file """ d = [] for iat in range(self.natom): xyz =[iat, :].cpu().detach().numpy().tolist() d.append(xyz) return d
[docs] def gto2sto(self, plot=False): """Fits the AO GTO to AO STO. The SZ sto that have only one basis function per ao """ assert('gto')) assert( == 'cart')' Fit GTOs to STOs : ') def sto(x, norm, alpha): """Fitting function.""" return norm * np.exp(-alpha * np.abs(x)) # shortcut for nao nao = self.mol.basis.nao # create a new mol and a new basis new_mol = deepcopy(self.mol) basis = deepcopy(self.mol.basis) # change basis to sto basis.radial_type = 'sto_pure' basis.nshells = # reset basis data basis.index_ctr = np.arange(nao) basis.bas_coeffs = np.ones(nao) basis.bas_exp = np.zeros(nao) basis.bas_norm = np.zeros(nao) basis.bas_kr = np.zeros(nao) basis.bas_kx = np.zeros(nao) basis.bas_ky = np.zeros(nao) basis.bas_kz = np.zeros(nao) # 2D fit space x = torch.linspace(-5, 5, 501) # compute the values of the current AOs using GTO BAS pos = x.reshape(-1, 1).repeat(1, gto = * torch.exp(*pos**2) gto = gto.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, self.nelec, 1) ao =[ :, 0, :].detach().cpu().numpy() # loop over AOs for iorb in range( # fit AO with STO xdata = x.numpy() ydata = ao[:, iorb] popt, pcov = curve_fit(sto, xdata, ydata) # store new exp/norm basis.bas_norm[iorb] = popt[0] basis.bas_exp[iorb] = popt[1] # determine k values basis.bas_kx[iorb] =[ == iorb].unique( ).item() basis.bas_ky[iorb] =[ == iorb].unique( ).item() basis.bas_kz[iorb] =[ == iorb].unique( ).item() # plot if necessary if plot: plt.plot(xdata, ydata) plt.plot(xdata, sto(xdata, *popt)) # update basis in new mole new_mol.basis = basis # returns new orbital instance return self.__class__(new_mol, configs=self.configs_method, kinetic=self.kinetic_method, cuda=self.cuda, include_all_mo=self.include_all_mo)
[docs] def forward(self, x, ao=None): """computes the value of the wave function for the sampling points .. math:: \\Psi(R) = \\sum_{n} c_n D^{u}_n(r^u) \\times D^{d}_n(r^d) Args: x (torch.tensor): sampling points (Nbatch, 3*Nelec) ao (torch.tensor, optional): values of the atomic orbitals (Nbatch, Nelec, Nao) Returns: torch.tensor: values of the wave functions at each sampling point (Nbatch, 1) Examples:: >>> mol = Molecule('', calculator='adf', basis = 'dzp') >>> wf = SlaterJastrow(mol, configs='cas(2,2)') >>> pos = torch.rand(500,6) >>> vals = wf(pos) """ raise NotImplementedError('Implement a forward method')
[docs] def ao2mo(self, ao): """Get the values of the MO from the values of AO.""" raise NotImplementedError('Implement a ao2mo method')
[docs] def pos2mo(self, x, derivative=0): """Get the values of MOs from the positions Arguments: x {torch.tensor} -- positions of the electrons [nbatch, nelec*ndim] Keyword Arguments: derivative {int} -- order of the derivative (default: {0}) Returns: torch.tensor -- MO matrix [nbatch, nelec, nmo] """ raise NotImplementedError('Implement a get_mo_vals method')
[docs] def kinetic_energy_jacobi(self, x, **kwargs): """Compute the value of the kinetic enery using the Jacobi Formula. C. Filippi, Simple Formalism for Efficient Derivatives . .. math:: \\frac{K(R)}{\\Psi(R)} = Tr(A^{-1} B_{kin}) Args: x (torch.tensor): sampling points (Nbatch, 3*Nelec) Returns: torch.tensor: values of the kinetic energy at each sampling points """ raise NotImplementedError( 'Implement a kinetic_energy_jacobi method')
[docs] def gradients_jacobi(self, x, pdf=False): """Compute the gradients of the wave function (or density) using the Jacobi Formula C. Filippi, Simple Formalism for Efficient Derivatives. .. math:: \\frac{K(R)}{\Psi(R)} = Tr(A^{-1} B_{grad}) Args: x (torch.tensor): sampling points (Nbatch, 3*Nelec) pdf (bool, optional) : if true compute the grads of the density Returns: torch.tensor: values of the gradients wrt the walker pos at each sampling points """ raise NotImplementedError( 'Implement a gradient_jacobi method')
[docs] def get_gradient_operator(self, x, ao, grad_ao, mo): """Compute the gradient operator Args: x ([type]): [description] ao ([type]): [description] dao ([type]): [description] """ raise NotImplementedError( 'Implement a get_grad_operator method')
[docs] def get_hessian_operator(self, x, ao, dao, d2ao, mo): """Compute the Bkin matrix Args: x (torch.tensor): sampling points (Nbatch, 3*Nelec) mo (torch.tensor, optional): precomputed values of the MOs Returns: torch.tensor: matrix of the kinetic operator """ raise NotImplementedError( 'Implement a get_kinetic_operator method')