Source code for qmctorch.wavefunction.slater_jastrow_backflow

import torch

from torch import nn
import operator

from .. import log

from .orbitals.atomic_orbitals_backflow import AtomicOrbitalsBackFlow
from .orbitals.atomic_orbitals_orbital_dependent_backflow import AtomicOrbitalsOrbitalDependentBackFlow
from .slater_jastrow_base import SlaterJastrowBase
from .orbitals.backflow.kernels import BackFlowKernelInverse
from .jastrows.elec_elec.kernels.pade_jastrow_kernel import PadeJastrowKernel
from .jastrows.elec_elec.jastrow_factor_electron_electron import JastrowFactorElectronElectron

[docs]class SlaterJastrowBackFlow(SlaterJastrowBase): def __init__(self, mol, configs='ground_state', kinetic='jacobi', jastrow_kernel=PadeJastrowKernel, jastrow_kernel_kwargs={}, backflow_kernel=BackFlowKernelInverse, backflow_kernel_kwargs={}, orbital_dependent_backflow=False, cuda=False, include_all_mo=True): """Slater Jastrow wave function with electron-electron Jastrow factor and backflow .. math:: \\Psi(R_{at}, r) = J(r)\\sum_n c_n D^\\uparrow_n(q^\\uparrow)D^\\downarrow_n(q^\\downarrow) with .. math:: J(r) = \\exp\\left( K_{ee}(r) \\right) with K, a kernel function depending only on the electron-eletron distances, and .. math:: q(r_i) = r_i + \\sum){j\\neq i} K_{BF}(r_{ij})(r_i-r_j) is a backflow transformation defined by the kernel K_{BF}. Note that different transformation can be used for different orbital via the `orbital_dependent_backflow` option. Args: Args: mol (Molecule): a QMCTorch molecule object configs (str, optional): defines the CI configurations to be used. Defaults to 'ground_state'. - ground_state : only the ground state determinant in the wave function - single(n,m) : only single excitation with n electrons and m orbitals - single_double(n,m) : single and double excitation with n electrons and m orbitals - cas(n, m) : all possible configuration using n eletrons and m orbitals kinetic (str, optional): method to compute the kinetic energy. Defaults to 'jacobi'. - jacobi : use the Jacobi formula to compute the kinetic energy - auto : use automatic differentiation to compute the kinetic energy jastrow_kernel (JastrowKernelBase, optional) : Class that computes the jastrow kernels jastrow_kernel_kwargs (dict, optional) : keyword arguments for the jastrow kernel contructor backflow_kernel (BackFlowKernelBase, optional) : kernel function of the backflow transformation. - By default an inverse kernel K(r_{ij}) = w/r_{ij} is used backflow_kernel_kwargs (dict, optional) : keyword arguments for the backflow kernel contructor orbital_dependent_backflow (bool, optional) : every orbital has a different transformation if True. Default to False cuda (bool, optional): turns GPU ON/OFF Defaults to False. include_all_mo (bool, optional): include either all molecular orbitals or only the ones that are popualted in the configs. Defaults to False Examples:: >>> from qmctorch.scf import Molecule >>> from qmctorch.wavefunction import SlaterJastrowBackFlow >>> mol = Molecule('', calculator='adf', basis = 'dzp') >>> wf = SlaterJastrowBackFlow(mol, configs='cas(2,2)') """ super().__init__(mol, configs, kinetic, cuda, include_all_mo) # process the backflow transformation if orbital_dependent_backflow: = AtomicOrbitalsOrbitalDependentBackFlow( mol, backflow_kernel, backflow_kernel_kwargs, cuda) else: = AtomicOrbitalsBackFlow( mol, backflow_kernel, backflow_kernel_kwargs, cuda) # process the Jastrow self.jastrow = JastrowFactorElectronElectron( self.mol.nup, self.mol.ndown, jastrow_kernel, kernel_kwargs=jastrow_kernel_kwargs, cuda=cuda) if jastrow_kernel is not None: self.use_jastrow = True self.jastrow_type = jastrow_kernel.__name__ if self.cuda: self.jastrow = = self.log_data()
[docs] def forward(self, x, ao=None): """computes the value of the wave function for the sampling points .. math:: J(R) \\Psi(R) = J(R) \\sum_{n} c_n D^{u}_n(r^u) \\times D^{d}_n(r^d) Args: x (torch.tensor): sampling points (Nbatch, 3*Nelec) ao (torch.tensor, optional): values of the atomic orbitals (Nbatch, Nelec, Nao) Returns: torch.tensor: values of the wave functions at each sampling point (Nbatch, 1) Examples:: >>> mol = Molecule('', calculator='adf', basis = 'dzp') >>> wf = SlaterJastrow(mol, configs='cas(2,2)') >>> pos = torch.rand(500,6) >>> vals = wf(pos) """ # compute the jastrow from the pos if self.use_jastrow: J = self.jastrow(x) # atomic orbital if ao is None: x = else: x = ao # molecular orbitals x = self.mo_scf(x) # mix the mos x = # pool the mos x = self.pool(x) # compute the CI and return if self.use_jastrow: return J * self.fc(x) else: return self.fc(x)
[docs] def ao2mo(self, ao): """transforms AO values in to MO values.""" return
[docs] def pos2mo(self, x, derivative=0, sum_grad=True): """Compute the MO vals from the pos Args: x ([type]): [description] derivative (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0. sum_grad (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to True. Returns: [type]: [description] """ ao =, derivative=derivative, sum_grad=sum_grad) return self.ao2mo(ao)
[docs] def kinetic_energy_jacobi(self, x, **kwargs): """Compute the value of the kinetic enery using the Jacobi Formula. .. math:: \\frac{\\Delta (J(R) \\Psi(R))}{ J(R) \\Psi(R)} = \\frac{\\Delta J(R)}{J(R)} + 2 \\frac{\\nabla J(R)}{J(R)} \\frac{\\nabla \\Psi(R)}{\\Psi(R)} + \\frac{\\Delta \\Psi(R)}{\\Psi(R)} The lapacian of the determinental part is computed via .. math:: \\Delta_i \\Psi(R) \\sum_n c_n ( \\frac{\\Delta_i D_n^{u}}{D_n^{u}} + \\frac{\\Delta_i D_n^{d}}{D_n^{d}} + 2 \\frac{\\nabla_i D_n^{u}}{D_n^{u}} \\frac{\\nabla_i D_n^{d}}{D_n^{d}} ) D_n^{u} D_n^{d} Since the backflow orbitals are multi-electronic the laplacian of the determinants are obtained .. math:: \\frac{\\Delta det(A)}{det(A)} = Tr(A^{-1} \\Delta A) + Tr(A^{-1} \\nabla A) Tr(A^{-1} \\nabla A) + Tr( (A^{-1} \\nabla A) (A^{-1} \\nabla A )) Args: x (torch.tensor): sampling points (Nbatch, 3*Nelec) Returns: torch.tensor: values of the kinetic energy at each sampling points """ # get ao values ao, dao, d2ao = x, derivative=[0, 1, 2], sum_grad=False) # get the mo values mo = self.ao2mo(ao) dmo = self.ao2mo(dao) d2mo = self.ao2mo(d2ao) # compute the value of the slater det slater_dets = self.pool(mo) sum_slater_dets = self.fc(slater_dets) # compute ( tr(A_u^-1\Delta A_u) + tr(A_d^-1\Delta A_d) ) hess = self.pool.operator(mo, d2mo) # compute (tr(A_u^-1\nabla A_u) and tr(A_d^-1\nabla A_d)) grad = self.pool.operator(mo, dmo, op=None) # compute (tr((A_u^-1\nabla A_u)^2) + tr((A_d^-1\nabla A_d))^2) grad2 = self.pool.operator(mo, dmo, op_squared=True) # assemble the total second derivative term hess = (hess.sum(0) + operator.add(*[(g**2).sum(0) for g in grad]) - grad2.sum(0) + 2 * operator.mul(*grad).sum(0)) hess = self.fc(hess * slater_dets) / sum_slater_dets if self.use_jastrow is False: return -0.5 * hess # compute the Jastrow terms jast, djast, d2jast = self.jastrow(x, derivative=[0, 1, 2], sum_grad=False) # prepare the second derivative term d2Jast/Jast # Nbatch x Nelec d2jast = d2jast / jast # prepare the first derivative term djast = djast / jast.unsqueeze(-1) # -> Nelec x Ndim x Nbatch djast = djast.permute(2, 1, 0) # -> [Nelec*Ndim] x Nbatch djast = djast.reshape(-1, djast.shape[-1]) # prepare the grad of the dets # [Nelec*Ndim] x Nbatch x 1 grad_val = self.fc(operator.add(*grad) * slater_dets) / sum_slater_dets # [Nelec*Ndim] x Nbatch grad_val = grad_val.squeeze() # assemble the derivaite terms out = d2jast.sum(-1) + 2*(grad_val * djast).sum(0) + \ hess.squeeze(-1) return -0.5 * out.unsqueeze(-1)
[docs] def gradients_jacobi(self, x, sum_grad=True): """Computes the gradients of the wf using Jacobi's Formula Args: x ([type]): [description] """ raise NotImplementedError( 'Gradient through Jacobi formulat not implemented for backflow orbitals')