Source code for qmctorch.wavefunction.orbitals.norm_orbital

import torch
import numpy as np

[docs]def atomic_orbital_norm(basis): """Computes the norm of the atomic orbitals Args: basis (Namespace): basis object of the Molecule instance Returns: torch.tensor: Norm of the atomic orbitals Examples:: >>> mol = Molecule('', basis='dzp', calculator='adf') >>> norm = atomic_orbital_norm(mol.basis) """ # spherical if basis.harmonics_type == 'sph': if basis.radial_type.startswith('sto'): return norm_slater_spherical(basis.bas_n, basis.bas_exp) elif basis.radial_type.startswith('gto'): return norm_gaussian_spherical(basis.bas_n, basis.bas_exp) else: raise ValueError('%s is not a valid radial_type') # cartesian elif basis.harmonics_type == 'cart': if basis.radial_type.startswith('sto'): return norm_slater_cartesian( basis.bas_kx, basis.bas_ky, basis.bas_kz, basis.bas_kr, basis.bas_exp) elif basis.radial_type.startswith('gto'): return norm_gaussian_cartesian( basis.bas_kx, basis.bas_ky, basis.bas_kz, basis.bas_exp) else: raise ValueError('%s is not a valid radial_type')
[docs]def norm_slater_spherical(bas_n, bas_exp): """Normalization of STOs with Sphecrical Harmonics. \n * \n * C Filippi, JCP 105, 213 1996 \n * Monte Carlo Methods in Ab Inition Quantum Chemistry, B.L. Hammond Args: bas_n (torch.tensor): prinicpal quantum number bas_exp (torch.tensor): slater exponents Returns: torch.tensor: normalization factor """ nfact = torch.as_tensor([np.math.factorial(2 * n) for n in bas_n], dtype=torch.get_default_dtype()) return (2 * bas_exp)**bas_n * torch.sqrt(2 * bas_exp / nfact)
[docs]def norm_gaussian_spherical(bas_n, bas_exp): """Normlization of GTOs with spherical harmonics. \n * Computational Quantum Chemistry: An interactive Intrduction to basis set theory \n eq : 1.14 page 23. Args: bas_n (torch.tensor): prinicpal quantum number bas_exp (torch.tensor): slater exponents Returns: torch.tensor: normalization factor """ from scipy.special import factorial2 as f2 bas_n = bas_n + 1. exp1 = 0.25 * (2. * bas_n + 1.) A = bas_exp**exp1 B = 2**(2. * bas_n + 3. / 2) C = torch.as_tensor(f2(2 * - 1) * np.pi ** 0.5).type(torch.get_default_dtype()) return torch.sqrt(B / C) * A
[docs]def norm_slater_cartesian(a, b, c, n, exp): """Normaliation of STos with cartesian harmonics. \n * Monte Carlo Methods in Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry page 279 Args: a (torch.tensor): exponent of x b (torch.tensor): exponent of y c (torch.tensor): exponent of z n (torch.tensor): exponent of r exp (torch.tensor): Sater exponent Returns: torch.tensor: normalization factor """ from scipy.special import factorial2 as f2 lvals = a + b + c + n + 1. lfact = torch.as_tensor([np.math.factorial(2 * i) for i in lvals]).type(torch.get_default_dtype()) prefact = 4 * np.pi * lfact / ((2 * exp)**(2 * lvals + 1)) num = torch.as_tensor(f2(2 * a.astype('int') - 1) * f2(2 * b.astype('int') - 1) * f2(2 * c.astype('int') - 1) ).type(torch.get_default_dtype()) denom = torch.as_tensor( f2((2 * a + 2 * b + 2 * c + 1).astype('int') )).type(torch.get_default_dtype()) return torch.sqrt(1. / (prefact * num / denom))
[docs]def norm_gaussian_cartesian(a, b, c, exp): """Normaliation of GTOs with cartesian harmonics. \n * Monte Carlo Methods in Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry page 279 Args: a (torch.tensor): exponent of x b (torch.tensor): exponent of y c (torch.tensor): exponent of z exp (torch.tensor): Sater exponent Returns: torch.tensor: normalization factor """ from scipy.special import factorial2 as f2 pref = torch.as_tensor((2 * exp / np.pi)**(0.75)) am1 = (2 * a - 1).astype('int') x = (4 * exp)**(a / 2) / torch.sqrt(torch.as_tensor(f2(am1))) bm1 = (2 * b - 1).astype('int') y = (4 * exp)**(b / 2) / torch.sqrt(torch.as_tensor(f2(bm1))) cm1 = (2 * c - 1).astype('int') z = (4 * exp)**(c / 2) / torch.sqrt(torch.as_tensor(f2(cm1))) return (pref * x * y * z).type(torch.get_default_dtype())