Source code for qmctorch.wavefunction.orbitals.atomic_orbitals_orbital_dependent_backflow

import torch

from .atomic_orbitals import AtomicOrbitals
from .backflow.orbital_dependent_backflow_transformation import OrbitalDependentBackFlowTransformation

[docs]class AtomicOrbitalsOrbitalDependentBackFlow(AtomicOrbitals): def __init__(self, mol, backflow_kernel, backflow_kernel_kwargs={}, cuda=False): """Computes the value of atomic orbitals Args: mol (Molecule): Molecule object cuda (bool, optional): Turn GPU ON/OFF Defaults to False. """ super().__init__(mol, cuda) dtype = torch.get_default_dtype() self.backflow_trans = OrbitalDependentBackFlowTransformation(mol, backflow_kernel=backflow_kernel, backflow_kernel_kwargs=backflow_kernel_kwargs, cuda=cuda)
[docs] def forward(self, pos, derivative=[0], sum_grad=True, sum_hess=True, one_elec=False): r"""Computes the values of the atomic orbitals. .. math:: \phi_i(r_j) = \sum_n c_n \\text{Rad}^{i}_n(r_j) \\text{Y}^{i}_n(r_j) where Rad is the radial part and Y the spherical harmonics part. It is also possible to compute the first and second derivatives .. math:: \\nabla \phi_i(r_j) = \\frac{d}{dx_j} \phi_i(r_j) + \\frac{d}{dy_j} \phi_i(r_j) + \\frac{d}{dz_j} \phi_i(r_j) \n \\text{grad} \phi_i(r_j) = (\\frac{d}{dx_j} \phi_i(r_j), \\frac{d}{dy_j} \phi_i(r_j), \\frac{d}{dz_j} \phi_i(r_j)) \n \Delta \phi_i(r_j) = \\frac{d^2}{dx^2_j} \phi_i(r_j) + \\frac{d^2}{dy^2_j} \phi_i(r_j) + \\frac{d^2}{dz^2_j} \phi_i(r_j) Args: pos (torch.tensor): Positions of the electrons Size : Nbatch, Nelec x Ndim derivative (int, optional): order of the derivative (0,1,2,). Defaults to 0. sum_grad (bool, optional): Return the sum_grad (i.e. the sum of the derivatives) or the individual terms. Defaults to True. False only for derivative=1 one_elec (bool, optional): if only one electron is in input Returns: torch.tensor: Value of the AO (or their derivatives) \n size : Nbatch, Nelec, Norb (sum_grad = True) \n size : Nbatch, Nelec, Norb, Ndim (sum_grad = False) Examples:: >>> mol = Molecule('') >>> ao = AtomicOrbitals(mol) >>> pos = torch.rand(100,6) >>> aovals = ao(pos) >>> daovals = ao(pos,derivative=1) """ if not isinstance(derivative, list): derivative = [derivative] if not sum_grad: assert(1 in derivative) if not sum_hess: assert(2 in derivative) if one_elec: nelec_save = self.nelec self.nelec = 1 if derivative == [0]: ao = self._compute_ao_values(pos) elif derivative == [1]: ao = self._compute_first_derivative_ao_values( pos, sum_grad) elif derivative == [2]: ao = self._compute_second_derivative_ao_values( pos, sum_hess) elif derivative == [3]: ao = self._compute_mixed_second_derivative_ao_values(pos) elif derivative == [0, 1, 2]: ao = self._compute_all_backflow_ao_values(pos) else: raise ValueError( 'derivative must be 0, 1, 2 or [0, 1, 2], got ', derivative) if one_elec: self.nelec = nelec_save return ao
def _compute_first_derivative_ao_values(self, pos, sum_grad): """Compute the value of the derivative of the ao from the xyx and r tensor Args: pos (torch.tensor): position of each elec size Nbatch, NelexNdim sum_grad (boolean): return the sum_grad (True) or gradient (False) Returns: torch.tensor: derivative of atomic orbital values size (Nbatch, Nelec, Norb) if sum_grad size (Nbatch, Nelec, Norb, Ndim) if sum_grad=False """ grad = self._compute_gradient_backflow_ao_values(pos) if sum_grad: _, nbatch, nelec, norb = grad.shape grad = grad.reshape(nelec, 3, nbatch, nelec, norb).sum(1) return grad def _compute_gradient_backflow_ao_values(self, pos, grad_ao=None): """Compute the jacobian of the backflow ao fromn xyz tensor Args: pos ([type]): [description] Returns: torch.tensor derivative of atomic orbital values size ([Nelec*Ndim], Nbatch, Nelec, Norb) """ # get the grad vals : size Nbatch x Nelec x Norb x Ndim # the derivative are : d \phi_i(q_j) / d \tilde{x}_j # i.e. wrt to the back flow coordinates if grad_ao is None: grad_ao = self._compute_gradient_ao_values(pos) # permute the grad to Nbatch x Ndim x 1 x Nelec x 1 x Norb grad_ao = grad_ao.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) grad_ao = grad_ao.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(4) # compute the derivative of the bf positions wrt to the original pos # Nbatch x Ndim x Ndim x Nelec x Nelec x Norb dbf = self.backflow_trans( pos, derivative=1).permute(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1) # compute backflow : Nbatch x Ndim x Nelec x Nelec x Norb grad_ao = (grad_ao * dbf).sum(1) # permute to have Nelec x Ndim x Nbatch x Nelec x Norb # Note the idex of the electron (2,3) are inverted # compare to the single backflow trans case grad_ao = grad_ao.permute(3, 1, 0, 2, 4) # collapse the first two dim [Nelec*Ndim] x Nbatch x Nelec x Norb grad_ao = grad_ao.reshape(-1, *(grad_ao.shape[2:])) return grad_ao def _compute_second_derivative_ao_values(self, pos, sum_hess): """Compute the value of the 2nd derivative of the ao from the xyx and r tensor Args: pos (torch.tensor): position of each elec size Nbatch, NelexNdim sum_hess (boolean): return the sum_hess (True) or diag hess (False) Returns: torch.tensor: derivative of atomic orbital values size (Nbatch, Nelec, Norb) if sum_grad size (Nbatch, Nelec, Norb, Ndim) if sum_grad=False """ hess = self._compute_diag_hessian_backflow_ao_values(pos) if sum_hess: _, nbatch, nelec, norb = hess.shape hess = hess.reshape(nelec, 3, nbatch, nelec, norb).sum(1) return hess def _compute_diag_hessian_backflow_ao_values(self, pos, hess_ao=None, mixed_ao=None, grad_ao=None): """Compute the laplacian of the backflow ao fromn xyz tensor Args: pos ([type]): [description] Returns: torch.tensor derivative of atomic orbital values size (Nbatch, Nelec, Nelec, Norb) """ # compute the lap size Nbatch x Ndim x Ndim x Nelec x Norb if hess_ao is None: hess_ao = self._compute_diag_hessian_ao_values(pos) if mixed_ao is None: mixed_ao = self._compute_mixed_second_derivative_ao_values( pos) if grad_ao is None: grad_ao = self._compute_gradient_ao_values(pos) # permute the grad to Nbatch x Ndim x 1 x Nelec x 1 x Norb grad_ao = grad_ao.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) grad_ao = grad_ao.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(4) # permute the hess to Nbatch x Ndim x 1 x Nelec x 1 x Norb hess_ao = hess_ao.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) hess_ao = hess_ao.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(4) # permute the hess to Nbatch x Ndim x 1 x Nelec x 1 x Norb mixed_ao = mixed_ao.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) mixed_ao = mixed_ao.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(4) # compute the derivative of the bf positions wrt to the original pos # Nbatch x Ndim x Ndim x Nelec x Nelec x Norb dbf = self.backflow_trans( pos, derivative=1).permute(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1) # compute the derivative of the bf positions wrt to the original pos # Nbatch x Ndim x Ndim x Nelec x Nelec x Norb d2bf = self.backflow_trans( pos, derivative=2).permute(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1) # compute the back flow second der hess_ao = (hess_ao * (dbf*dbf)).sum(1) # compute the backflow grad hess_ao += (grad_ao * d2bf).sum(1) # compute the contribution of the mixed derivative hess_ao += 2*(mixed_ao * dbf[:, [[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 2]], ...].prod(2)).sum(1) # permute to have Nelec x Ndim x Nbatch x Nelec x Norb hess_ao = hess_ao.permute(3, 1, 0, 2, 4) # collapse the first two dim [Nelec*Ndim] x Nbatch x Nelec x Norb hess_ao = hess_ao.reshape(-1, *(hess_ao.shape[2:])) return hess_ao def _compute_all_backflow_ao_values(self, pos): """Compute the ao, gradient, laplacian of the ao from the xyx and r tensor Args: pos (torch.tensor): position of each elec size Nbatch, Nelec x Ndim Returns: tuple(): (ao, grad and lapalcian) of atomic orbital values ao size (Nbatch, Nelec, Norb) dao size (Nbatch, Nelec, Norb, Ndim) d2ao size (Nbatch, Nelec, Norb) """ xyz, r = self._process_position(pos) R, dR, d2R = self.radial(r, self.bas_n, self.bas_exp, xyz=xyz, derivative=[0, 1, 2], sum_grad=False, sum_hess=False) Y, dY, d2Y = self.harmonics(xyz, derivative=[0, 1, 2], sum_grad=False, sum_hess=False) # vals of the bf ao ao = self._ao_kernel(R, Y) # grad kernel of the bf ao grad_ao = self._gradient_kernel(R, dR, Y, dY) # diag hess kernel of the bf ao hess_ao = self._diag_hessian_kernel( R, dR, d2R, Y, dY, d2Y) # compute the bf ao hess_ao = self._compute_diag_hessian_backflow_ao_values( pos, hess_ao=hess_ao, grad_ao=grad_ao) # compute the bf grad grad_ao = self._compute_gradient_backflow_ao_values( pos, grad_ao=grad_ao) return (ao, grad_ao, hess_ao) def _process_position(self, pos): """Computes the positions/distance bewteen elec/orb Args: pos (torch.tensor): positions of the walkers Nbat, NelecxNdim Returns: torch.tensor, torch.tensor: positions of the elec wrt the bas (Nbatch, Nelec, Norb, Ndim) distance between elec and bas (Nbatch, Nelec, Norb) """ # get the elec-atom vectrors/distances xyz, r = self._elec_ao_dist(pos) if self.contract: # repeat/interleave to get vector and distance between # electrons and orbitals xyz = xyz.repeat_interleave(self.nctr_per_ao, dim=2) r = r.repeat_interleave(self.nctr_per_ao, dim=2) return xyz, r def _elec_ao_dist(self, pos): """Computes the positions/distance bewteen elec/atoms Args: pos (torch.tensor): positions of the walkers Nbat, NelecxNdim Returns: torch.tensor, torch.tensor: positions of the elec wrt the bas (Nbatch, Nelec, Natom, Ndim) distance between elec and bas (Nbatch, Nelec, Natom) """ # compute the back flow positions # Nbatch x Nao x Nelec*Ndim bf_pos = self.backflow_trans(pos) nbatch, nao, _ = bf_pos.shape # reshape bf_pos = bf_pos.view(nbatch, nao, self.nelec, self.ndim) # permute to nbatch x nelec x nao x ndim bf_pos = bf_pos.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) # interleave the atomic positions # nao x ndim atom_coords = self.atom_coords.repeat_interleave( self.nao_per_atom, dim=0) # compute the vectors between electrons and atoms # nbatch x nelec x nao x ndim xyz = (bf_pos-atom_coords) # distance between electrons and atoms # nbatch x nelec x nao r = torch.sqrt((xyz*xyz).sum(3)) return xyz, r