Source code for qmctorch.wavefunction.jastrows.elec_elec_nuclei.jastrow_factor_electron_electron_nuclei

import torch
from torch import nn
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable, grad

from ..distance.electron_electron_distance import ElectronElectronDistance
from ..distance.electron_nuclei_distance import ElectronNucleiDistance

[docs]class JastrowFactorElectronElectronNuclei(nn.Module): def __init__(self, nup, ndown, atomic_pos, jastrow_kernel, kernel_kwargs={}, cuda=False): """Jastrow Factor of the elec-elec-nuc term: .. math:: J = \\exp\\left( \\sum_A \\sum_{i<j} K(R_{iA}, r_{jA}, r_{rij}) \\right) Args: nup (int): number of spin up electons ndow (int): number of spin down electons cuda (bool, optional): Turns GPU ON/OFF. Defaults to False. """ super().__init__() self.nup = nup self.ndown = ndown self.nelec = nup + ndown self.cuda = cuda self.device = torch.device('cpu') if self.cuda: self.device = torch.device('cuda') self.atoms = self.natoms = atomic_pos.shape[0] self.ndim = 3 # kernel function self.jastrow_kernel = jastrow_kernel(nup, ndown, atomic_pos, cuda, **kernel_kwargs) # requires autograd to compute derivatives self.requires_autograd = self.jastrow_kernel.requires_autograd # index to extract tri up matrices self.mask_tri_up, self.index_col, self.index_row = self.get_mask_tri_up() self.index_elec = [ self.index_row.tolist(), self.index_col.tolist()] # distance calculator self.elel_dist = ElectronElectronDistance( self.nelec, self.ndim) self.elnu_dist = ElectronNucleiDistance( self.nelec, self.atoms, self.ndim) # method to compute the second derivative # If False jastrow_factor_second_derivative will be used # this method only works when the kernel does not multiply # the different terms e.g : k = f(r_ij) + g(R_iA) + g(R_jA) # For non-lienar kernels e.g. : k = f(r_ij) * g(R_iA) * g(R_jA) # auto_second_derivative must be set to True. self.auto_second_derivative = True
[docs] def get_mask_tri_up(self): r"""Get the mask to select the triangular up matrix Returns: torch.tensor: mask of the tri up matrix """ mask = torch.zeros(self.nelec, self.nelec).type( torch.bool).to(self.device) index_col, index_row = [], [] for i in range(self.nelec-1): for j in range(i+1, self.nelec): index_row.append(i) index_col.append(j) mask[i, j] = True index_col = torch.LongTensor(index_col).to(self.device) index_row = torch.LongTensor(index_row).to(self.device) return mask, index_col, index_row
[docs] def extract_tri_up(self, inp): r"""extract the upper triangular elements Args: input (torch.tensor): input matrices (..., nelec, nelec) Returns: torch.tensor: triangular up element (..., nelec_pair) """ shape = list(inp.shape) out = inp.masked_select(self.mask_tri_up) return out.view(*(shape[:-2] + [-1]))
[docs] def extract_elec_nuc_dist(self, en_dist): r"""Organize the elec nuc distances Args: en_dist (torch.tensor): electron-nuclei distances nbatch x nelec x natom or nbatch x 3 x nelec x natom (dr) Returns: torch.tensor: nbatch x natom x nelec_pair x 2 or torch.tensor: nbatch x 3 x natom x nelec_pair x 2 (dr) """ out = en_dist[..., self.index_elec, :] if en_dist.ndim == 3: return out.permute(0, 3, 2, 1) elif en_dist.ndim == 4: return out.permute(0, 1, 4, 3, 2) else: raise ValueError( 'elec-nuc distance matrix should have 3 or 4 dim')
[docs] def assemble_dist(self, pos): """Assemle the different distances for easy calculations Args: pos (torch.tensor): Positions of the electrons Size : Nbatch, Nelec x Ndim Returns: torch.tensor : nbatch, natom, nelec_pair, 3 """ # get the elec-elec distance matrix ree = self.extract_tri_up(self.elel_dist(pos)) ree = ree.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(-1) ree = ree.repeat(1, self.natoms, 1, 1) # get the elec-nuc distance matrix ren = self.extract_elec_nuc_dist(self.elnu_dist(pos)) # cat both return, ree), -1)
[docs] def assemble_dist_deriv(self, pos, derivative=1): """Assemle the different distances for easy calculations the output has dimension nbatch, 3 x natom, nelec_pair, 3 the last dimension is composed of [r_{e_1n}, r_{e_2n}, r_{ee}] Args: pos (torch.tensor): Positions of the electrons Size : Nbatch, Nelec x Ndim Returns: torch.tensor : nbatch, 3 x natom, nelec_pair, 3 """ # get the elec-elec distance derivative dree = self.elel_dist(pos, derivative) dree = self.extract_tri_up(dree) dree = dree.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(-1) dree = dree.repeat(1, 1, self.natoms, 1, 1) # get the elec-nuc distance derivative dren = self.elnu_dist(pos, derivative) dren = self.extract_elec_nuc_dist(dren) # assemble return, dree), -1)
def _to_device(self): """Export the non parameter variable to the device.""" self.device = torch.device('cuda') attrs = ['static_weight'] for at in attrs: if at in self.__dict__: self.__dict__[at] = self.__dict__[at].to(self.device)
[docs] def forward(self, pos, derivative=0, sum_grad=True): """Compute the Jastrow factors. Args: pos (torch.tensor): Positions of the electrons Size : Nbatch, Nelec x Ndim derivative (int, optional): order of the derivative (0,1,2,). Defaults to 0. sum_grad (bool, optional): Return the sum_grad (i.e. the sum of the derivatives) or the individual terms. Defaults to True. False only for derivative=1 Returns: torch.tensor: value of the jastrow parameter for all confs derivative = 0 (Nmo) x Nbatch x 1 derivative = 1 (Nmo) x Nbatch x Nelec (for sum_grad = True) derivative = 1 (Nmo) x Nbatch x Ndim x Nelec (for sum_grad = False) derivative = 2 (Nmo) x Nbatch x Nelec """ size = pos.shape assert size[1] == self.nelec * self.ndim nbatch = size[0] r = self.assemble_dist(pos) kern_vals = self.jastrow_kernel(r) jast = torch.exp(kern_vals.view(nbatch, -1).sum(-1)) if derivative == 0: return jast.unsqueeze(-1) elif derivative == 1: dr = self.assemble_dist_deriv(pos, 1) return self.jastrow_factor_derivative(r, dr, jast, sum_grad) elif derivative == 2: if self.auto_second_derivative: return self.jastrow_factor_second_derivative_auto(pos, jast=jast.unsqueeze(-1)) else: dr = self.assemble_dist_deriv(pos, 1) d2r = self.assemble_dist_deriv(pos, 2) return self.jastrow_factor_second_derivative(r, dr, d2r, jast) elif derivative == [0, 1, 2]: dr = self.assemble_dist_deriv(pos, 1) djast = self.jastrow_factor_derivative( r, dr, jast, sum_grad) if self.auto_second_derivative: d2jast = self.jastrow_factor_second_derivative_auto( pos, jast=jast.unsqueeze(-1)) else: d2r = self.assemble_dist_deriv(pos, 2) d2jast = self.jastrow_factor_second_derivative( r, dr, d2r, jast) return(jast.unsqueeze(-1), djast, d2jast) else: raise ValueError('Derivative value nor recognized')
[docs] def jastrow_factor_derivative(self, r, dr, jast, sum_grad): """Compute the value of the derivative of the Jastrow factor Args: r (torch.tensor): ee distance matrix Nbatch x Nelec x Nelec jast (torch.tensor): values of the jastrow elements Nbatch x Nelec x Nelec Returns: torch.tensor: gradient of the jastrow factors Nbatch x Nelec x Ndim """ if sum_grad: # derivative of the jastrow elements # nbatch x ndim x natom x nelec_pair x 3 # last dim is (ria rja rij) djast = self.jastrow_kernel.compute_derivative(r, dr) # sum dim and atom djast = djast.sum([1, 2]) # multiply with the product of jastrow el values djast = djast * jast.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) # create the output vector with size nbatch x nelec out_shape = list(djast.shape[:-2]) + [self.nelec] out = torch.zeros(out_shape).to(self.device) # add the elec-elec term out.index_add_(-1, self.index_row, djast[..., 2]) out.index_add_(-1, self.index_col, -djast[..., 2]) # add the elec-nuc terms out.index_add_(-1, self.index_row, djast[..., 0]) out.index_add_(-1, self.index_col, djast[..., 1]) else: # derivative of the jastrow elements # nbatch x ndim x natom x nelec_pair x 3 # last dim is (ria rja rij) djast = self.jastrow_kernel.compute_derivative(r, dr) # sum atom djast = djast.sum(2) djast = djast * \ jast.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) # might cause problems with backward cause in place operation out_shape = list(djast.shape[:-2]) + [self.nelec] out = torch.zeros(out_shape).to(self.device) # add electronic terms out.index_add_(-1, self.index_row, djast[..., 2]) out.index_add_(-1, self.index_col, -djast[..., 2]) # add elec-nuc terms out.index_add_(-1, self.index_row, djast[..., 0]) out.index_add_(-1, self.index_col, djast[..., 1]) return out
[docs] def jastrow_factor_second_derivative(self, r, dr, d2r, jast): """Compute the value of the pure 2nd derivative of the Jastrow factor Args: r (torch.tensor): ee distance matrix Nbatch x Nelec x Nelec jast (torch.tensor): values of the ajstrow elements Nbatch x Nelec x Nelec Returns: torch.tensor: diagonal hessian of the jastrow factors Nbatch x Nelec x Ndim """ # puresecond derivative of the jast el # nbatch x ndim x natom x nelec_pair x 3 # last dim is (ria rja rij) d2jast = self.jastrow_kernel.compute_second_derivative( r, dr, d2r) # sum over the dim and the atom d2jast = d2jast.sum([1, 2]) # might cause problems with backward cause in place operation hess_shape = list(d2jast.shape[:-2]) + [self.nelec] hess_jast = torch.zeros(hess_shape).to(self.device) # add elec-elec terms hess_jast.index_add_(-1, self.index_row, d2jast[..., 2]) hess_jast.index_add_(-1, self.index_col, d2jast[..., 2]) # add elec-nu terms hess_jast.index_add_(-1, self.index_row, d2jast[..., 0]) hess_jast.index_add_(-1, self.index_col, d2jast[..., 1]) # mixed terms djast = self.jastrow_kernel.compute_derivative(r, dr) # add partial derivative hess_jast = hess_jast + self.partial_derivative(djast) return hess_jast * jast.unsqueeze(-1)
[docs] def partial_derivative(self, djast): """[summary] Args: djast ([type]): [description] """ # create the output vector with size nbatch x nelec out_shape = list(djast.shape[:-2]) + [self.nelec] out = torch.zeros(out_shape).to(self.device) # add the elec-elec term out.index_add_(-1, self.index_row, djast[..., 2]) out.index_add_(-1, self.index_col, -djast[..., 2]) # add the elec-nuc terms out.index_add_(-1, self.index_row, djast[..., 0]) out.index_add_(-1, self.index_col, djast[..., 1]) return ((out.sum(2))**2).sum(1)
[docs] def jastrow_factor_second_derivative_auto(self, pos, jast=None): """Compute the second derivative of the jastrow factor automatically. This is needed for complicate kernels where the partial derivatives of the kernels are difficult to organize in a total derivaitve e.e Boys-Handy Args: pos ([type]): [description] """ def hess(out, pos): # compute the jacobian z = Variable(torch.ones_like(out)) jacob = grad(out, pos, grad_outputs=z, only_inputs=True, create_graph=True)[0] # compute the diagonal element of the Hessian z = Variable(torch.ones(jacob.shape[0])).to(self.device) hess = torch.zeros_like(jacob) for idim in range(jacob.shape[1]): tmp = grad(jacob[:, idim], pos, grad_outputs=z, only_inputs=True, create_graph=True)[0] hess[:, idim] = tmp[:, idim] return hess nbatch = pos.shape[0] if jast is None: jast = self.forward(pos) return hess(jast, pos).view(nbatch, self.nelec, 3).sum(2)