Source code for qmctorch.utils.torch_utils

import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.autograd import grad, Variable
from import Dataset

[docs]def set_torch_double_precision(): """Set the default precision to double for all torch tensors.""" torch.set_default_dtype = torch.float64 torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.DoubleTensor)
[docs]def set_torch_single_precision(): """Set the default precision to single for all torch tensors.""" torch.set_default_dtype = torch.float32 torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.FloatTensor)
[docs]def fast_power(x, k, mask0=None, mask2=None): """Computes x**k when k have elements 0, 1, 2 Args: x (torch.tensor): input k (torch.tensor): exponents mask0 (torch.tensor): precomputed mask of the elements of that are 0 (Defaults to None and computed here) mask2 (torch.tensor): precomputed mask of the elements of that are 2 (Defaults to None and computed here) Returns: torch.tensor: values of x**k """ kmax = 3 if k.max() < kmax: out = x.clone() if mask0 is None: mask0 = k == 0 out.masked_fill_(mask0, 1) if k.max() > 1: if mask2 is None: mask2 = k == 2 out[..., mask2] *= out[..., mask2] else: out = x**k return out
[docs]def gradients(out, inp): """Return the gradients of out wrt inp Args: out ([type]): [description] inp ([type]): [description] """ return grad(out, inp, grad_outputs=torch.ones_like(out))
[docs]def diagonal_hessian(out, inp, return_grads=False): """return the diagonal hessian of out wrt to inp Args: out ([type]): [description] inp ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ # compute the jacobian z = Variable(torch.ones(out.shape)) jacob = grad(out, inp, grad_outputs=z, only_inputs=True, create_graph=True)[0] if return_grads: grads = jacob.detach() # compute the diagonal element of the Hessian z = Variable(torch.ones(jacob.shape[0])) hess = torch.zeros(jacob.shape) for idim in range(jacob.shape[1]): tmp = grad(jacob[:, idim], inp, grad_outputs=z, only_inputs=True, create_graph=True)[0] hess[:, idim] = tmp[:, idim] if return_grads: return hess, grads else: return hess
[docs]class DataSet(Dataset): def __init__(self, data): """Creates a torch data set Arguments: data {torch.tensor} -- data """ = data def __len__(self): """get the number of data points Returns: int -- number of data points """ return[0] def __getitem__(self, index): """returns a given data point Arguments: index {int} -- index of the point Returns: torch.tensor -- data of that point """ return[index, :]
[docs]class Loss(nn.Module): def __init__( self, wf, method='energy', clip=False): """Defines the loss to use during the optimization Arguments: wf {WaveFunction} -- wave function object used Keyword Arguments: method {str} -- method to use (default: {'energy'}) (energy, variance, weighted-energy, weighted-variance) clip {bool} -- clip the values that are +/- % sigma away from the mean (default: {False}) """ super(Loss, self).__init__() = wf self.method = method self.clip = clip # by default we use weights # that are needed if we do # not resample at every time step self.use_weight = True # number of +/- std for clipping # Excludes values + /- Nstd x std the mean of the eloc self.clip_num_std = 5 # select loss function self.loss_fn = {'energy': torch.mean, 'variance': torch.var}[method] # init values of the weights self.weight = {'psi': None, 'psi0': None}
[docs] def forward(self, pos, no_grad=False, deactivate_weight=False): """Computes the loss Arguments: pos {torch.tensor} -- positions of the walkers in that batch Keyword Arguments: no_grad {bool} -- computes the gradient of the loss (default: {False}) Returns: torch.tensor, torch.tensor -- value of the loss, local energies """ # check if grads are requested with self.get_grad_mode(no_grad): # compute local eneergies local_energies = # mask the energies if necessary mask = self.get_clipping_mask(local_energies) # sampling_weight weight = self.get_sampling_weights(pos, deactivate_weight) # compute the loss loss = self.loss_fn((weight * local_energies)[mask]) return loss, local_energies
[docs] @staticmethod def get_grad_mode(no_grad): """Returns enable_grad or no_grad Arguments: no_grad {bool} -- [description] """ return torch.no_grad() if no_grad else torch.enable_grad()
[docs] def get_clipping_mask(self, local_energies): """computes the clipping mask Arguments: local_energies {torch.tensor} -- values of the local energies """ if self.clip: median = torch.median(local_energies) std = torch.std(local_energies) emax = median + self.clip_num_std * std emin = median - self.clip_num_std * std mask = ( local_energies < emax) & ( local_energies > emin) else: mask = torch.ones_like( local_energies).type(torch.bool) return mask
[docs] def get_sampling_weights(self, pos, deactivate_weight): """Get the weight needed when resampling is not done at every step """ local_use_weight = self.use_weight * \ (not deactivate_weight) if local_use_weight: # computes the weights self.weight['psi'] = # if we just resampled store psi and all w=1 if self.weight['psi0'] is None: self.weight['psi0'] = self.weight['psi'].detach( ).clone() w = torch.ones_like(self.weight['psi']) # otherwise compute ration of psi else: w = (self.weight['psi'] / self.weight['psi0'])**2 w /= w.sum() # should we multiply by the number of elements ? return w else: return 1.
[docs]class OrthoReg(nn.Module): '''add a penalty to make matrice orthgonal.''' def __init__(self, alpha=0.1): """Add a penalty loss to keep the MO orthogonalized Keyword Arguments: alpha {float} -- strength of the penaly (default: {0.1}) """ super(OrthoReg, self).__init__() self.alpha = alpha
[docs] def forward(self, W): """Return the loss : |W x W^T - I|.""" return self.alpha * \ torch.norm(, 1)) - torch.eye(W.shape[0]))