Source code for qmctorch.utils.plot_data

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm

from .stat_utils import (blocking, correlation_coefficient,

[docs]def plot_energy(local_energy, e0=None, show_variance=False): """Plot the evolution of the energy Args: local_energy (np.ndarray): local energies along the trajectory e0 (float, optional): Target value for the energy. Defaults to None. show_variance (bool, optional): show the variance if True. Defaults to False. """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) n = len(local_energy) epoch = np.arange(n) # get the variance energy = np.array([np.mean(e) for e in local_energy]) variance = np.array([np.var(e) for e in local_energy]) # plot ax.fill_between(epoch, energy - variance, energy + variance, alpha=0.5, color='#4298f4') ax.plot(epoch, energy, color='#144477') if e0 is not None: ax.axhline(e0, color='black', linestyle='--') ax.grid() ax.set_xlabel('Number of epoch') ax.set_ylabel('Energy', color='black') if show_variance: ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.plot(epoch, variance, color='blue') ax2.set_ylabel('variance', color='blue') ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='blue') fig.tight_layout()
[docs]def plot_data(observable, obsname): """Plot the evolution a given data Args: obs_dict (SimpleNamespace): namespace of observable obsname (str): name (key) of the desired observable """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) data = np.array(observable.__dict__[obsname]).squeeze() epoch = np.arange(len(data)) ax.plot(epoch, data, color='#144477')
[docs]def plot_walkers_traj(eloc, walkers='mean'): """Plot the trajectory of all the individual walkers Args: obs (SimpleNamespace): Namespace of the observables walkers (int, str, optional): all, mean or index of a given walker Defaults to 'all' """ nstep, nwalkers = eloc.shape celoc = np.cumsum(eloc, axis=0).T celoc /= np.arange(1, nstep + 1) if walkers is not None: if walkers == 'all': plt.plot(eloc, 'o', alpha=1 / nwalkers, c='grey') cmap =, 1, nwalkers)) for i in range(nwalkers): plt.plot(celoc.T[:, i], color=cmap[i]) elif walkers == 'mean': plt.plot(eloc, 'o', alpha=1 / nwalkers, c='grey') emean = np.mean(celoc.T, axis=1) emin = emean.min() emax = emean.max() delta = emax-emin plt.plot(emean, linewidth=5) plt.ylim(emin-0.25*delta,emax+0.25*delta) else: raise ValueError('walkers argument must be all or mean') plt.grid() plt.xlabel('Monte Carlo Steps') plt.ylabel('Energy (Hartree)')
[docs]def plot_correlation_coefficient(eloc, size_max=100): """Plot the correlation coefficient of the local energy and fit the curve to an exp to extract the correlation time. Args: eloc (np.ndarray): values of the local energy (Nstep, Nwalk) size_max (int, optional): maximu number of MC step to consider.Defaults to 100. Returns: np.ndarray, float: correlation coefficients (size_max, Nwalkers), correlation time """ rho = correlation_coefficient(eloc) tau_fit, fitted = fit_correlation_coefficient( rho.mean(1)[:size_max]) plt.plot(rho, alpha=0.25) plt.plot(rho.mean(1), linewidth=3, c='black') plt.plot(fitted, '--', c='grey') plt.xlim([0, size_max]) plt.ylim([-0.25, 1.5]) plt.xlabel('MC steps') plt.ylabel('Correlation coefficient') plt.text(0.5*size_max, 1.05, 'tau=%1.3f' % tau_fit, {'color': 'black', 'fontsize': 15}) plt.grid() return rho, tau_fit
[docs]def plot_integrated_autocorrelation_time(eloc, rho=None, size_max=100, C=5): """compute/plot the integrated autocorrelation time Args: eloc (np.ndarray, optional): local energy values (Nstep, Nwalkers) rho (np.ndarray, optional): Correlation coefficient. Defaults to None. size_max (int, optional): maximu number of MC step to consider.Defaults to 100. C (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 5. """ if rho is None: rho = correlation_coefficient(eloc) tau = integrated_autocorrelation_time(rho, size_max) tc, idx_tc = [], [] idx = np.arange(1, size_max) for iw in range(eloc.shape[1]): t = tau[:, iw] if len(t[C*t <= idx]) > 0: tval = t[C*t <= idx][0] ii = np.where(t == tval)[0][0] tc.append(tval) idx_tc.append(ii) plt.plot(tau, alpha=0.25) tm = tau.mean(1) plt.plot(tm, c='black') plt.plot(idx/C, '--', c='grey') plt.plot(idx_tc, tc, 'o', alpha=0.25) tt = tm[tm*C <= idx][0] ii = np.where(tm == tt)[0][0] plt.plot(ii, tt, 'o') plt.grid() plt.xlabel('MC step') plt.ylabel('IAC')
[docs]def plot_blocking_energy(eloc, block_size, walkers='mean'): """Plot the blocked energy values Args: eloc (np.ndarray): values of the local energies block_size (int): size of the block walkers (str, optional): which walkers to plot (mean, all, index or list). Defaults to 'mean'. Raises: ValueError: [description] """ eb = blocking(eloc, block_size, expand=True) if walkers == 'all': plt.plot(eloc) plt.plot(eb) elif walkers == 'mean': plt.plot(eloc.mean(1)) plt.plot(eb.mean(1)) elif walkers.__class__.__name__ in ['int', 'list']: plt.plot(eloc[:, walkers]) plt.plot(eb[:, walkers]) else: raise ValueError('walkers ', walkers, ' not recognized') plt.grid() plt.xlabel('MC steps') plt.ylabel('Energy') return blocking(eloc, block_size, expand=False)
[docs]def plot_correlation_time(eloc): """Plot the blocking thingy Args: eloc (np.array): values of the local energy """ nstep, nwalkers = eloc.shape max_block_size = nstep // 2 var = np.std(eloc, axis=0) evar = [] for size in range(1, max_block_size): eb = blocking(eloc, size) evar.append(np.std(eb, axis=0) * size / var) plt.plot(np.array(evar)) plt.xlabel('Blocking size') plt.ylabel('Correlation steps')
[docs]def plot_block(eloc): """Plot the blocking thingy Args: eloc (np.array): values of the local energy """ nstep, nwalkers = eloc.shape max_block_size = nstep // 2 evar = [] for size in range(1, max_block_size): eb = blocking(eloc, size) nblock = eb.shape[0] evar.append(np.sqrt(np.var(eb, axis=0) / (nblock - 1))) plt.plot(np.array(evar))