Source code for qmctorch.scf.molecule

import os
import math
import numpy as np
from mendeleev import element
from types import SimpleNamespace
import h5py
from mpi4py import MPI
from .calculator import CalculatorADF, CalculatorPySCF, CalculatorADF2019

from ..utils import dump_to_hdf5, load_from_hdf5, bytes2str
from .. import log

[docs]class Molecule: def __init__(self, atom=None, calculator='pyscf', scf='hf', basis='sto-3g', unit='bohr', name=None, load=None, save_scf_file=False, redo_scf=False, rank=0): """Create a molecule in QMCTorch Args: atom (str or None, optional): defines the atoms and their positions. Defaults to None. - At1 x y z; At2 x y z ... : Provide the atomic coordinate directly - <file>.xyz : provide the path to an .xyz file containing the atomic coordinates calculator (str, optional): selet scf calculator. Defaults to 'adf'. - pyscf : PySCF calculator - adf : ADF2020+ calculator - adf2019 : ADF2019 calculatori scf (str, optional): select scf level of theory. Defaults to 'hf'. - hf : perform a Hatree-Fock calculation to obtain the molecular orbital coefficients - dft : perform a density functional theory using the local density approximation basis (str, optional): select the basis set. Defaults to 'dzp'. unit (str, optional): units of the coordinates; 'bohr' or 'angs'. Defaults to 'bohr'. name (str or None, optional): name of the molecule. Defaults to None. load (str or None, optional): path to a hdf5 file to load. Defaults to None. save_scf_file (bool, optional): save the scf file (when applicable) Defaults to False redo_scf (bool, optional): if true ignore existing hdf5 file and redo the scf calculation rank (int, optional): Rank of the process. Defaults to 0. Examples: >>> from qmctorch.scf import Molecule >>> mol = Molecule(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1', unit='angs', ... calculator='adf', basis='dzp') """ self.atom_coords = [] self.atomic_nelec = [] self.atomic_number = [] self.atoms = [] self.atoms_str = atom self.hdf5file = None self.max_angular = 2 = name self.natom = 0 self.ndown = 0 self.nelec = 0 self.nup = 0 self.unit = unit self.basis = SimpleNamespace() self.calculator_name = calculator self.basis_name = basis self.save_scf_file = save_scf_file self.scf_level = scf if rank == 0:'')' SCF Calculation') # load an existing hdf5 file if load is not None:' Loading data from {file}', file=load) self._load_hdf5(load) self.hdf5file = load else: # extract the atom names/positions from # the atom kwargs self._process_atom_str() # name of the hdf5 file self.hdf5file = '_'.join( [, calculator, basis]) + '.hdf5' if rank == 0: if self.unit not in ['angs', 'bohr']: raise ValueError('unit should be angs or bohr') # force a redo of the sc calculation if os.path.isfile(self.hdf5file) and redo_scf:' Removing {file} and redo SCF calculations', file=self.hdf5file) os.remove(self.hdf5file) # deals with existing files if os.path.isfile(self.hdf5file):' Reusing scf results from {file}', file=self.hdf5file) self.basis = self._load_basis() # perform the scf calculation else:' Running scf calculation') calc = {'adf2019': CalculatorADF2019, 'adf': CalculatorADF, 'pyscf': CalculatorPySCF}[calculator] self.calculator = calc(self.atoms, self.atom_coords, basis, self.scf_level, self.unit,, self.save_scf_file) self.basis = self.save_scf_file = self.calculator.savefile dump_to_hdf5(self, self.hdf5file, root_name='molecule') self._check_basis() self.log_data() MPI.COMM_WORLD.barrier() if rank != 0: ' Loading data from {file}', file=self.hdf5file) self._load_hdf5(self.hdf5file)
[docs] def log_data(self):' Molecule name : {0}',' Number of electrons : {0}', self.nelec) ' SCF calculator : {0}', self.calculator_name)' Basis set : {0}', self.basis_name) ' SCF : {0}', self.scf_level.upper())' Number of AOs : {0}', self.basis.nao)' Number of MOs : {0}', self.basis.nmo) ' SCF Energy : {:.3f} Hartree'.format(self.get_total_energy()))
[docs] def domain(self, method): """Returns information to initialize the walkers Args: method (str): 'center', all electron at the center of the system 'uniform', all electrons in a cube surrounding the molecule 'normal', all electrons in a sphere surrounding the molecule 'atomic', electrons around the atoms Returns: dict: dictionary containing corresponding information Examples:: >>> mol = Molecule('') >>> domain = mol.domain('atomic') """ domain = dict() domain['method'] = method if method == 'center': domain['center'] = np.mean(self.atom_coords, 0) elif method == 'uniform': domain['min'] = np.min(self.atom_coords) - 0.5 domain['max'] = np.max(self.atom_coords) + 0.5 elif method == 'normal': domain['mean'] = np.mean(self.atom_coords, 0) domain['sigma'] = np.diag( np.std(self.atom_coords, 0) + 0.25) elif method == 'atomic': domain['atom_coords'] = self.atom_coords domain['atom_num'] = self.atomic_number domain['atom_nelec'] = self.atomic_nelec else: raise ValueError( 'Method to initialize the walkers not recognized') return domain
def _process_atom_str(self): """Process the atom description.""" if self.atoms_str.endswith('.xyz'): if os.path.isfile(self.atoms_str): atoms = self._read_xyz_file() else: raise FileNotFoundError( 'File %s not found' % self.atoms_str) else: atoms = self.atoms_str.split(';') self._get_atomic_properties(atoms) def _get_atomic_properties(self, atoms): """Generates the atomic propeties of the molecule Args: atoms (str): atoms given in input """ # loop over all atoms for a in atoms: atom_data = a.split() self.atoms.append(atom_data[0]) x, y, z = float(atom_data[1]), float( atom_data[2]), float(atom_data[3]) conv2bohr = 1 if self.unit == 'angs': conv2bohr = 1.88973 self.atom_coords.append( [x * conv2bohr, y * conv2bohr, z * conv2bohr]) self.atomic_number.append( element(atom_data[0]).atomic_number) self.atomic_nelec.append(element(atom_data[0]).electrons) self.nelec += element(atom_data[0]).electrons # size of the system self.natom = len(self.atoms) if self.nelec % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("Only equal spin up/down supported.") self.nup = math.ceil(self.nelec / 2) self.ndown = math.floor(self.nelec / 2) # name of the system if is None: = self._get_mol_name(self.atoms) self.atoms = np.array(self.atoms) def _read_xyz_file(self): """Process a xyz file containing the data Returns: list -- atoms and xyz position """ with open(self.atoms_str, 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() natom = int(data[0]) atoms = data[2:2+natom] self.atoms_str = '' for a in atoms[:-1]: self.atoms_str += a + '; ' self.atoms_str += atoms[-1] return atoms @staticmethod def _get_mol_name(atoms): mol_name = '' unique_atoms = list(set(atoms)) for ua in unique_atoms: mol_name += ua nat = atoms.count(ua) if nat > 1: mol_name += str(nat) return mol_name def _load_basis(self): """Get the basis information needed to compute the AO values.""" h5 = h5py.File(self.hdf5file, 'r') basis_grp = h5['molecule']['basis'] self.basis = SimpleNamespace() self.basis.radial_type = bytes2str( basis_grp['radial_type'][()]) self.basis.harmonics_type = bytes2str( basis_grp['harmonics_type'][()]) self.basis.nao = int(basis_grp['nao'][()]) self.basis.nmo = int(basis_grp['nmo'][()]) self.basis.nshells = basis_grp['nshells'][()] self.basis.nao_per_atom = basis_grp['nao_per_atom'][()] self.basis.index_ctr = basis_grp['index_ctr'][()] self.basis.nctr_per_ao = basis_grp['nctr_per_ao'][()] self.basis.bas_exp = basis_grp['bas_exp'][()] self.basis.bas_coeffs = basis_grp['bas_coeffs'][()] self.basis.atom_coords_internal = basis_grp['atom_coords_internal'][( )] self.basis.TotalEnergy = basis_grp['TotalEnergy'][()] self.basis.mos = basis_grp['mos'][()] if self.basis.harmonics_type == 'cart': self.basis.bas_kr = basis_grp['bas_kr'][()] self.basis.bas_kx = basis_grp['bas_kx'][()] self.basis.bas_ky = basis_grp['bas_ky'][()] self.basis.bas_kz = basis_grp['bas_kz'][()] elif self.basis.harmonics_type == 'sph': self.basis.bas_n = basis_grp['bas_n'][()] self.basis.bas_l = basis_grp['bas_l'][()] self.basis.bas_m = basis_grp['bas_m'][()] else: raise ValueError( 'Harmonics type should be cart or sph \ but %s was found in %s' % (self.basis.harmonics_type, self.hdf5file)) h5.close() return self.basis
[docs] def print_total_energy(self): """Print the SCF energy of the molecule. Examples:: >>> mol = Molecule('', calculator='adf', basis='sz') >>> mol.print_total_energy() """ e = self.get_total_energy()'== SCF Energy : {e}', e=e)
[docs] def get_total_energy(self): """Get the value of the total energy.""" h5 = h5py.File(self.hdf5file, 'r') e = h5['molecule']['basis']['TotalEnergy'][()] h5.close() return e
def _check_basis(self): """Check if the basis contains all the necessary fields.""" names = ['bas_coeffs', 'bas_exp', 'nshells', 'atom_coords_internal', 'nao', 'nmo', 'index_ctr', 'mos', 'TotalEnergy'] if self.basis.harmonics_type == 'cart': names += ['bas_kx', 'bas_ky', 'bas_kz', 'bas_kr'] elif self.basis.harmonics_type == 'sph': names += ['bas_n', 'bas_l', 'bas_m'] for n in names: if not hasattr(self.basis, n): raise ValueError(n, ' not in the basis namespace') def _load_hdf5(self, filename): """Load a molecule from hdf5 Args: filename (str): path to the file to be loaded """ # load the data load_from_hdf5(self, filename, 'molecule') # cast some of the important data type # should be done by the hdf5_utils in the future self.atoms = self.atoms.astype('U') self.basis.nao = int(self.basis.nao) self.basis.nmo = int(self.basis.nmo) cast_fn = {'nelec': int, 'nup': int, 'ndown': int, 'atoms': lambda x: x.astype('U'), 'atomic_nelec': lambda x: [int(i) for i in x]} for name, fn in cast_fn.items(): self.__setattr__(name, fn(self.__getattribute__(name))) cast_fn = {'nao': int, 'nmo': int} for name, fn in cast_fn.items(): self.basis.__setattr__( name, fn(self.basis.__getattribute__(name)))