Source code for qmctorch.scf.calculator.pyscf

from types import SimpleNamespace
import itertools
import numpy as np
from pyscf import gto, scf, dft
import shutil
from .calculator_base import CalculatorBase

[docs]class CalculatorPySCF(CalculatorBase): def __init__(self, atoms, atom_coords, basis, scf, units, molname, savefile): CalculatorBase.__init__( self, atoms, atom_coords, basis, scf, units, molname, 'pyscf', savefile)
[docs] def run(self): """Run the scf calculation using PySCF.""" # refresh the atom positions if necessary atom_str = self.get_atoms_str() # pyscf calculation mol = gto.M( atom=atom_str, basis=self.basis_name, unit=self.units, cart=False) if self.scf.lower() == 'hf': pyscf_data = scf.RHF(mol).run() elif self.scf.lower() == 'dft': pyscf_data = dft.RKS(mol) pyscf_data.xc = 'lda, vwn' pyscf_data = pyscf_data.newton() pyscf_data.kernel() if self.savefile: save_file_name = self.molname + '_pyscf.chkfile' shutil.copyfile(pyscf_data.chkfile, save_file_name) self.savefile = save_file_name basis = self.get_basis_data(mol, pyscf_data) return basis
[docs] def get_basis_data(self, mol, rhf): """Save the data to HDF5 Arguments: mol {pyscf.gto.M} -- psycf Molecule rhf {pyscf.scf} -- scf object """ kx = {0: [0], 1: [1, 0, 0], 2: [2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]} ky = {0: [0], 1: [0, 1, 0], 2: [0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0]} kz = {0: [0], 1: [0, 0, 1], 2: [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2]} basis = SimpleNamespace() basis.TotalEnergy = rhf.e_tot basis.radial_type = 'gto_pure' basis.harmonics_type = 'cart' # number of AO / MO # can be different if d or f orbs are present # due to cart 2 sph harmonics basis.nao = len(mol.cart_labels()) basis.nmo = rhf.mo_energy.shape[0] # nshells is the number of bas per atoms nshells = [0] * mol.natm # init bas properties bas_coeff, bas_exp = [], [] index_ctr = [] bas_n, bas_l = [], [] bas_kx, bas_ky, bas_kz = [], [], [] bas_n = [] bas_n_ori = self.get_bas_n(mol) iao = 0 for ibas in range(mol.nbas): # number of contracted gaussian in that bas # nctr = mol.bas_nctr(ibas) nctr = mol.bas_nprim(ibas) # number of ao from that bas mult = mol.bas_len_cart(ibas) # quantum numbers n = bas_n_ori[ibas] lval = mol.bas_angular(ibas) # get qn per bas bas_n += [n] * nctr * mult bas_l += [lval] * nctr * mult # coeffs/exp bas_coeff += mol.bas_ctr_coeff( ibas).flatten().tolist() * mult bas_exp += mol.bas_exp(ibas).flatten().tolist() * mult # number of shell per atoms nshells[mol.bas_atom(ibas)] += nctr * mult for m in range(mult): index_ctr += [iao] * nctr iao += 1 for k in kx[lval]: bas_kx += [k] * nctr for k in ky[lval]: bas_ky += [k] * nctr for k in kz[lval]: bas_kz += [k] * nctr bas_norm = [] for expnt, lval in zip(bas_exp, bas_l): bas_norm.append(mol.gto_norm(lval, expnt)) basis.nshells = nshells basis.index_ctr = index_ctr intervals = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(nshells))) basis.nao_per_atom = [] for i in range(len(intervals)-1): s, e = intervals[i], intervals[i+1] nao = len(np.unique(basis.index_ctr[s:e])) basis.nao_per_atom.append(nao) # determine the number of contraction per # atomic orbital basis.nctr_per_ao = np.array( [len(list(y)) for _, y in itertools.groupby(index_ctr)]) basis.bas_coeffs = np.array(bas_coeff) basis.bas_exp = np.array(bas_exp) basis.bas_norm = np.array(bas_norm) basis.bas_n = bas_n basis.bas_l = bas_l # the cartesian gto are all : # x^a y^b z^c exp(-zeta r) # i.e. there is no r dependency basis.bas_kr = np.zeros_like(basis.bas_exp) basis.bas_kx = np.array(bas_kx) basis.bas_ky = np.array(bas_ky) basis.bas_kz = np.array(bas_kz) # molecular orbitals basis.mos = mol.cart2sph_coeff() @ rhf.mo_coeff basis.mos = self.normalize_columns(basis.mos) # atom coords basis.atom_coords_internal = self.atom_coords return basis
[docs] def get_atoms_str(self): """Refresh the atom string (use after atom move). """ atoms_str = '' natom = len(self.atoms) for iA in range(natom): atoms_str += self.atoms[iA] + ' ' atoms_str += ' '.join(str(xi) for xi in self.atom_coords[iA]) atoms_str += ';' return atoms_str
[docs] @staticmethod def get_bas_n(mol): label2int = {'s': 1, 'p': 2, 'd': 3} labels = [l[:3] for l in mol.cart_labels(fmt=False)] unique_labels = [] for l in labels: if l not in unique_labels: unique_labels.append(l) nlabel = [l[2][1] for l in unique_labels] n = [label2int[nl] for nl in nlabel] return n