Source code for qmctorch.scf.calculator.adf

import os
import shutil
import warnings
from types import SimpleNamespace

import numpy as np

from ... import log
from .calculator_base import CalculatorBase

    from scm import plams
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    warnings.warn('scm python module not found')

[docs]class CalculatorADF(CalculatorBase): def __init__(self, atoms, atom_coords, basis, scf, units, molname, savefile): CalculatorBase.__init__( self, atoms, atom_coords, basis, scf, units, molname, 'adf', savefile) # basis from the emma paper self.additional_basis_type = ['VB1', 'VB2', 'VB3', 'CVB1', 'CVB2', 'CVB3'] self.additional_basis_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'atomicdata/adf/') self.adf_version = 'adf2020+' self.job_name = ''.join(self.atoms) + '_' + self.basis_name self.output_file = 'adf.rkf'
[docs] def run(self): """Run the calculation using ADF.""" # path needed for the calculation plams_wd = './plams_workdir' outputdir_path = os.path.join( plams_wd, os.path.join(self.job_name, self.output_file)) # get the correct exec plams_job = { 'adf2020+': plams.AMSJob, 'adf2019' : plams.ADFJob }[self.adf_version] # configure plams and run the calculation self.init_plams() mol = self.get_plams_molecule() sett = self.get_plams_settings() job = plams_job(molecule=mol, settings=sett, name=self.job_name) # extract the data to hdf5 basis = self.get_basis_data(outputdir_path) # remove adf data if self.savefile: shutil.copyfile(outputdir_path, self.output_file) self.savefile = self.output_file shutil.rmtree(plams_wd) return basis
[docs] def init_plams(self): """Init PLAMS.""" plams.init() plams.config.log.stdout = -1 plams.config.erase_workdir = True
[docs] def get_plams_molecule(self): """Returns a plams molecule object.""" mol = plams.Molecule() bohr2angs = 0.529177 scale = 1. if self.units == 'bohr': scale = bohr2angs for at, xyz in zip(self.atoms, self.atom_coords): xyz = list(scale * np.array(xyz)) mol.add_atom(plams.Atom(symbol=at, coords=tuple(xyz))) return mol
[docs] def get_plams_settings(self): """Returns a plams setting object.""" sett = plams.Settings() sett.input.ams.Task = 'SinglePoint' if self.basis_name.upper() in self.additional_basis_type: sett.input.adf.basis.type = 'DZP' parsed_atoms = [] for at in self.atoms: if at not in parsed_atoms: basis_path = os.path.join(self.additional_basis_path, self.basis_name.upper(), at) atomtype = f"Symbol={at} File={basis_path}" sett.input.adf.basis.peratomtype = atomtype parsed_atoms.append(at) else: sett.input.adf.basis.type = self.basis_name.upper() sett.input.adf.basis.core = 'None' sett.input.adf.symmetry = 'nosym' if self.scf.lower() == 'hf': sett.input.adf.XC.HartreeFock = '' elif self.scf.lower() == 'dft': sett.input.adf.XC.LDA = 'VWN' sett.input.adf.relativity.level = 'None' # total energy sett.input.adf.totalenergy = True return sett
[docs] def get_basis_data(self, kffile): """Save the basis information needed to compute the AO values.""" if not os.path.isfile(kffile): raise FileNotFoundError( 'File %s not found, ADF may have crashed, look into the plams_workdir directory' % kffile) kf = plams.KFFile(kffile) status ='General', 'termination status').strip() if status != 'NORMAL TERMINATION': ' WARNING : ADF calculation terminated with status')' : %s' % status)' : Proceed with caution') basis = SimpleNamespace() basis.TotalEnergy ='Total Energy', 'Total energy') basis.radial_type = 'sto' basis.harmonics_type = 'cart' nao ='Basis', 'naos') nmo ='A', 'nmo_A') basis.nao = nao basis.nmo = nmo # number of bas per atom type nbptr ='Basis', 'nbptr') # number of atom per atom typ nqptr ='Geometry', 'nqptr') atom_type ='Geometry', 'atomtype').split() # number of bas per atom type nshells = np.array([nbptr[i] - nbptr[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(nbptr))]) # kx/ky/kz/kr exponent per atom type bas_kx = self.read_array(kf, 'Basis', 'kx') bas_ky = self.read_array(kf, 'Basis', 'ky') bas_kz = self.read_array(kf, 'Basis', 'kz') bas_kr = self.read_array(kf, 'Basis', 'kr') # bas exp/coeff/norm per atom type bas_exp = self.read_array(kf, 'Basis', 'alf') bas_norm = self.read_array(kf, 'Basis', 'bnorm') basis_nshells = [] basis_bas_kx, basis_bas_ky, basis_bas_kz = [], [], [] basis_bas_kr = [] basis_bas_exp, basis_bas_norm = [], [] for iat, at in enumerate(atom_type): number_copy = nqptr[iat + 1] - nqptr[iat] idx_bos = list(range(nbptr[iat] - 1, nbptr[iat + 1] - 1)) basis_nshells += [nshells[iat]] * number_copy basis_bas_kx += list(bas_kx[idx_bos]) * number_copy basis_bas_ky += list(bas_ky[idx_bos]) * number_copy basis_bas_kz += list(bas_kz[idx_bos]) * number_copy basis_bas_kr += list(bas_kr[idx_bos]) * number_copy basis_bas_exp += list(bas_exp[idx_bos]) * number_copy basis_bas_norm += list( bas_norm[idx_bos]) * number_copy basis.nshells = basis_nshells basis.nao_per_atom = basis_nshells basis.index_ctr = np.arange(nao) basis.nctr_per_ao = np.ones(nao) basis.bas_kx = np.array(basis_bas_kx) basis.bas_ky = np.array(basis_bas_ky) basis.bas_kz = np.array(basis_bas_kz) basis.bas_kr = np.array(basis_bas_kr) basis.bas_exp = np.array(basis_bas_exp) basis.bas_coeffs = np.ones_like(basis_bas_exp) basis.bas_norm = np.array(basis_bas_norm) basis.atom_coords_internal = np.array('Geometry', 'xyz')).reshape(-1, 3) # Molecular orbitals mos = np.array('A', 'Eigen-Bas_A')) mos = mos.reshape(nmo, nao).T # normalize the MO # this is not needed !!! # mos = self.normalize_columns(mos) # orbital that take part in the rep npart = np.array('A', 'npart'))-1 # create permutation matrix perm_mat = np.zeros((basis.nao, basis.nao)) for i in range(basis.nao): perm_mat[npart[i], i] = 1. # reorder the basis function basis.mos = perm_mat @ mos return basis
[docs] @staticmethod def read_array(kf, section, name): """read a data from the kf file Args: kf (file handle): kf file section (str): name of the section name (str): name of the property Returns: data """ data = np.array(, name)) if data.shape == (): data = np.array([data]) return data
[docs]class CalculatorADF2019(CalculatorADF): def __init__(self, atoms, atom_coords, basis, scf, units, molname, savefile): CalculatorADF.__init__( self, atoms, atom_coords, basis, scf, units, molname, savefile) self.adf_version = 'adf2019' self.job_name = ''.join(self.atoms) + '_' + self.basis_name self.output_file = self.job_name + '.t21'
[docs] def get_plams_molecule(self): """Returns a plams molecule object.""" mol = plams.Molecule() for at, xyz in zip(self.atoms, self.atom_coords): mol.add_atom(plams.Atom(symbol=at, coords=tuple(xyz))) return mol
[docs] def get_plams_settings(self): """Returns a plams setting object.""" sett = plams.Settings() sett.input.basis.type = self.basis_name.upper() if self.basis_name.upper() in self.additional_basis_type: sett.input.basis.path = self.additional_basis_path sett.input.basis.core = 'None' sett.input.symmetry = 'nosym' if self.scf.lower() == 'hf': sett.input.XC.HartreeFock = '' elif self.scf.lower() == 'dft': sett.input.XC.LDA = 'VWN' # correct unit if self.units == 'angs': sett.input.units.length = 'Angstrom' elif self.units == 'bohr': sett.input.units.length = 'Bohr' # total energy sett.input.totalenergy = True return sett