Source code for qmctorch.sampler.walkers

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.distributions import MultivariateNormal
from typing import Union, Dict
from .. import log

[docs]class Walkers(object): def __init__(self, nwalkers: int = 100, nelec: int = 1, ndim: int = 3, init: Union[Dict, None] = None, cuda: bool = False): """Creates Walkers for the sampler. Args: nwalkers (int, optional): Number of walkers. Defaults to 100. nelec (int, optional): number of electron. Defaults to 1. ndim (int, optional): Number of dimensions. Defaults to 3. init (dict, optional): method to initialize the walkers. Defaults to None. (see Molecule.domain()) cuda (bool, optional): turn cuda ON/OFF. Defaults to False """ self.nwalkers = nwalkers self.ndim = ndim self.nelec = nelec self.init_domain = init self.pos = None self.status = None self.cuda = cuda if cuda: self.device = torch.device('cuda') else: self.device = torch.device('cpu')
[docs] def initialize(self, pos: Union[None, torch.Tensor] = None): """Initalize the position of the walkers Args: method (str, optional): how to initialize the positions. Defaults to 'uniform'. pos ([type], optional): existing position of the walkers. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: if the method is not recognized """ if self.cuda: self.device = torch.device('cuda') if pos is not None: if len(pos) > self.nwalkers: pos = pos[-self.nwalkers:, :] self.pos = pos else: log.debug(" Initialize walkers") if 'center' in self.init_domain.keys(): self.pos = self._init_center() elif 'min' in self.init_domain.keys(): self.pos = self._init_uniform() elif 'mean' in self.init_domain.keys(): self.pos = self._init_multivar() elif 'atom_coords' in self.init_domain.keys(): self.pos = self._init_atomic() else: raise ValueError('Init walkers not recognized')
def _init_center(self): """Initialize the walkers at the center of the molecule Returns: torch.tensor: positions of the walkers """ eps = 1E-3 pos = -eps + 2 * eps * \ torch.rand(self.nwalkers, self.nelec * self.ndim) return pos.type( torch.get_default_dtype()).to( device=self.device) def _init_uniform(self): """Initialize the walkers in a box covering the molecule Returns: torch.tensor: positions of the walkers """ pos = torch.rand(self.nwalkers, self.nelec * self.ndim) pos *= (self.init_domain['max'] - self.init_domain['min']) pos += self.init_domain['min'] return pos.type( torch.get_default_dtype()).to( device=self.device) def _init_multivar(self): """Initialize the walkers in a sphere covering the molecule Returns: torch.tensor -- positions of the walkers """ multi = MultivariateNormal( torch.as_tensor(self.init_domain['mean']), torch.as_tensor(self.init_domain['sigma'])) pos = multi.sample((self.nwalkers, self.nelec)).type( torch.get_default_dtype()) pos = pos.view(self.nwalkers, self.nelec * self.ndim) return def _init_atomic(self): """Initialize the walkers around the atoms Returns: torch.tensor -- positions of the walkers """ pos = torch.zeros(self.nwalkers, self.nelec * self.ndim) idx_ref, nelec_tot = [], 0 nelec_placed, natom = [], 0 for iat, nelec in enumerate(self.init_domain['atom_nelec']): idx_ref += [iat] * nelec nelec_tot += nelec natom += 1 for iw in range(self.nwalkers): nelec_placed = [0] * natom idx = torch.as_tensor(idx_ref) idx = idx[torch.randperm(nelec_tot)] xyz = torch.as_tensor( self.init_domain['atom_coords'])[ idx, :] for ielec in range(nelec_tot): _idx = idx[ielec] if nelec_placed[_idx] == 0: s = 1. / self.init_domain['atom_num'][_idx] elif nelec_placed[_idx] < 5: s = 2. / (self.init_domain['atom_num'][_idx] - 2) else: s = 3. / (self.init_domain['atom_num'][_idx] - 3) xyz[ielec, :] += np.random.normal(scale=s, size=(1, 3)) nelec_placed[_idx] += 1 pos[iw, :] = xyz.view(-1) return