Source code for qmctorch.sampler.hamiltonian

from typing import Dict

import torch
from tqdm import tqdm

from .sampler_base import SamplerBase
from .. import log

[docs]class Hamiltonian(SamplerBase): def __init__(self, nwalkers: int = 100, nstep: int = 100, step_size: float = 0.2, L: int = 10, ntherm: int = -1, ndecor: int = 1, nelec: int = 1, ndim: int = 3, init: Dict = {'min': -5, 'max': 5}, cuda: bool = False): """Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Sampler. Args: nwalkers (int, optional): Number of walkers. Defaults to 100. nstep (int, optional): Number of steps. Defaults to 100. step_size (int, optional): length of the step. Defaults to 0.2. L (int, optional): length of the trajectory . Defaults to 10. nelec (int, optional): total number of electrons. Defaults to 1. ntherm (int, optional): number of mc step to thermalize. Defaults to -1, i.e. keep only last position ndecor (int, optional): number of mc step for decorrelation. Defaults to 1. ndim (int, optional): total number of dimension. Defaults to 3. init (dict, optional): method to init the positions of the walkers. See Molecule.domain() cuda (bool, optional): turn CUDA ON/OFF. Defaults to False. """ SamplerBase.__init__(self, nwalkers, nstep, step_size, ntherm, ndecor, nelec, ndim, init, cuda) self.traj_length = L
[docs] @staticmethod def get_grad(func, inp): """get the gradient of the pdf using autograd Args: func (callable): function to compute the pdf inp (torch.tensor): input of the function Returns: torch.tensor: gradients of the wavefunction """ with torch.enable_grad(): if inp.grad is not None: inp.grad.zero_() inp.requires_grad = True val = func(inp) val.backward(torch.ones(val.shape)) inp.requires_grad = False return inp.grad
[docs] @staticmethod def log_func(func): """Compute the negative log of a function Args: func (callable): input function Returns: callable: negative log of the function """ return lambda x: -torch.log(func(x))
def __call__(self, pdf, pos=None, with_tqdm=True): """Generate walkers following HMC Arguments: pdf {callable} -- density to sample pos (torch.tensor): precalculated position to start with with_tqdm (bool, optional): use tqdm progress bar. Defaults to True. Returns: torch.tensor -- sampling points """ if self.ntherm < 0: self.ntherm = self.nstep + self.ntherm self.walkers.initialize(pos=pos) self.walkers.pos = self.walkers.pos.clone() # get the logpdf function logpdf = self.log_func(pdf) pos = [] rate = 0 idecor = 0 rng = tqdm(range(self.nstep), desc='INFO:QMCTorch| Sampling', disable=not with_tqdm) for istep in rng: # move the walkers self.walkers.pos, _r = self._step( logpdf, self.get_grad, self.step_size, self.traj_length, self.walkers.pos) rate += _r # store if istep >= self.ntherm: if idecor % self.ndecor == 0: pos.append(self.walkers.pos) idecor += 1 # print stats log.options(style='percent').debug( " Acceptance rate %1.3f %%" % (rate / self.nstep * 100)) return @staticmethod def _step(U, get_grad, epsilon, L, q_init): """Take one step of the sampler Args: U (callable): the target pdf get_grad (callable) : get the value of the target dist gradient epsilon (float) : step size L (int) : number of steps in the traj q_init (torch.Tensor) : initial positon of the walkers Returns: torch.tensor, float: """ q = q_init.clone() # init the momentum p = torch.randn(q.shape) # initial energy terms E_init = U(q) + 0.5 * (p*p).sum(1) # half step in momentum space p -= 0.5 * epsilon * get_grad(U, q) # full steps in q and p space for iL in range(L - 1): q += epsilon * p p -= epsilon * get_grad(U, q) # last full step in pos space q += epsilon * p # half step in momentum space p -= 0.5 * epsilon * get_grad(U, q) # negate momentum p = -p # current energy term E_new = U(q) + 0.5 * (p*p).sum(1) # metropolis accept/reject eps = torch.rand(E_new.shape) rejected = (torch.exp(E_init - E_new) < eps) q[rejected] = q_init[rejected] # compute the accept rate rate = 1 - rejected.sum().float() / rejected.shape[0] return q, rate