Source code for qmctorch.sampler.generalized_metropolis

from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable, grad
from torch.distributions import MultivariateNormal
import numpy as np

from .sampler_base import SamplerBase
from .. import log

[docs]class GeneralizedMetropolis(SamplerBase): def __init__(self, nwalkers=100, nstep=1000, step_size=3, ntherm=-1, ndecor=1, nelec=1, ndim=1, init={'type': 'uniform', 'min': -5, 'max': 5}, cuda=False): """Generalized Metropolis Hasting sampler Args: nwalkers (int, optional): number of walkers. Defaults to 100. nstep (int, optional): number of steps. Defaults to 1000. step_size (int, optional): size of the steps. Defaults to 3. ntherm (int, optional): number of steps for thermalization. Defaults to -1. ndecor (int, optional): number of steps for decorelation. Defaults to 1. nelec (int, optional): number of electron. Defaults to 1. ndim (int, optional): number of dimensions. Defaults to 1. init (dict, optional): method to initialize the walkers. Defaults to {'type': 'uniform', 'min': -5, 'max': 5}. cuda (bool, optional): use cuda. Defaults to False. """ SamplerBase.__init__(self, nwalkers, nstep, step_size, ntherm, ndecor, nelec, ndim, init, cuda) def __call__(self, pdf, pos=None, with_tqdm=True): """Generate a series of point using MC sampling Args: pdf (callable): probability distribution function to be sampled pos (torch.tensor, optional): position to start with. Defaults to None. with_tqdm (bool, optional): use tqdm to monitor progress Returns: torch.tensor: positions of the walkers """ with torch.no_grad(): if self.ntherm < 0: self.ntherm = self.nstep + self.ntherm self.walkers.initialize(pos=pos) xi = self.walkers.pos.clone() xi.requires_grad = True rhoi = pdf(xi) drifti = self.get_drift(pdf, xi) rhoi[rhoi == 0] = 1E-16 pos, rate, idecor = [], 0, 0 rng = tqdm(range(self.nstep), desc='INFO:QMCTorch| Sampling', disable=not with_tqdm) for istep in rng: # new positions xf = self.move(drifti) # new function rhof = pdf(xf) driftf = self.get_drift(pdf, xf) rhof[rhof == 0.] = 1E-16 # transtions Tif = self.trans(xi, xf, driftf) Tfi = self.trans(xf, xi, drifti) pmat = (Tif * rhof) / (Tfi * rhoi).double() # accept the moves index = self._accept(pmat) # acceptance rate rate += index.byte().sum().float() / self.nwalkers # update position/function value xi[index, :] = xf[index, :] rhoi[index] = rhof[index] rhoi[rhoi == 0] = 1E-16 drifti[index, :] = driftf[index, :] if (istep >= self.ntherm): if (idecor % self.ndecor == 0): pos.append(xi.clone().detach()) idecor += 1 log.options(style='percent').debug(" Acceptance rate %1.3f" % (rate / self.nstep * 100)) = return
[docs] def move(self, drift): """Move electron one at a time in a vectorized way. Args: drift (torch.tensor): drift velocity of the walkers Returns: torch.tensor: new positions of the walkers """ # clone and reshape data : Nwlaker, Nelec, Ndim new_pos = self.walkers.pos.clone() new_pos = new_pos.view(self.nwalkers, self.nelec, self.ndim) # get indexes index = torch.LongTensor(self.nwalkers).random_( 0, self.nelec) new_pos[range(self.nwalkers), index, :] += self._move(drift, index) return new_pos.view(self.nwalkers, self.nelec * self.ndim)
def _move(self, drift, index): """Move a walker. Args: drift (torch.tensor): drift velocity index (int): indx of the electron to move Returns: torch.tensor: position of the walkers """ d = drift.view(self.nwalkers, self.nelec, self.ndim) mv = MultivariateNormal(torch.zeros(self.ndim), np.sqrt( self.step_size) * torch.eye(self.ndim)) return self.step_size * d[range(self.nwalkers), index, :] \ + mv.sample((self.nwalkers, 1)).squeeze()
[docs] def trans(self, xf, xi, drifti): """transform the positions Args: xf ([type]): [description] xi ([type]): [description] drifti ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ a = (xf - xi - drifti * self.step_size).norm(dim=1) return torch.exp(- 0.5 * a / self.step_size)
[docs] def get_drift(self, pdf, x): """Compute the drift velocity Args: pdf (callable): function that returns the density x (torch.tensor): positions of the walkers Returns: torch.tensor: drift velocity """ with torch.enable_grad(): x.requires_grad = True rho = pdf(x).view(-1, 1) z = Variable(torch.ones_like(rho)) grad_rho = grad(rho, x, grad_outputs=z, only_inputs=True)[0] return 0.5 * grad_rho / rho
def _accept(self, P): """accept the move or not Args: P (torch.tensor): probability of each move Returns: torch.tensor: the indx of the accepted moves """ P[P > 1] = 1.0 tau = torch.rand(self.walkers.nwalkers).double() index = (P - tau >= 0).reshape(-1) return index.type(torch.bool)