Source code for qmctorch.sampler.metropolis

from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
from torch.distributions import MultivariateNormal
from time import time
from typing import Callable, Union, Dict
from .sampler_base import SamplerBase
from .. import log

[docs] class Metropolis(SamplerBase): def __init__(self, nwalkers: int = 100, nstep: int = 1000, step_size: float = 0.2, ntherm: int = -1, ndecor: int = 1, nelec: int = 1, ndim: int = 3, init: Dict = {'min': -5, 'max': 5}, move: Dict = {'type': 'all-elec', 'proba': 'normal'}, cuda: bool = False): """Metropolis Hasting generator Args: nwalkers (int, optional): Number of walkers. Defaults to 100. nstep (int, optional): Number of steps. Defaults to 1000. step_size (int, optional): length of the step. Defaults to 0.2. nelec (int, optional): total number of electrons. Defaults to 1. ntherm (int, optional): number of mc step to thermalize. Defaults to -1, i.e. keep only the last position ndecor (int, optional): number of mc step for decorelation. Defauts to 1. ndim (int, optional): total number of dimension. Defaults to 3. init (dict, optional): method to init the positions of the walkers. See Molecule.domain() move (dict, optional): method to move the electrons. default('all-elec','normal') \n 'type': 'one-elec': move a single electron per iteration \n 'all-elec': move all electrons at the same time \n 'all-elec-iter': move all electrons by iterating through single elec moves \n 'proba' : 'uniform': uniform in a cube \n 'normal': gussian in a sphere \n cuda (bool, optional): turn CUDA ON/OFF. Defaults to False. Examples:: >>> mol = Molecule('') >>> wf = SlaterJastrow(mol) >>> sampler = Metropolis(nwalkers=100, nelec=wf.nelec) >>> pos = sampler(wf.pdf) """ SamplerBase.__init__(self, nwalkers, nstep, step_size, ntherm, ndecor, nelec, ndim, init, cuda) self.configure_move(move) self.log_data()
[docs] def log_data(self): """log data about the sampler."""' Move type : {0}', self.movedict['type']) ' Move proba : {0}', self.movedict['proba'])
def __call__(self, pdf: Callable, pos: Union[None, torch.Tensor] = None, with_tqdm: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor: """Generate a series of point using MC sampling Args: pdf (callable): probability distribution function to be sampled pos (torch.tensor, optional): position to start with. Defaults to None. with_tqdm (bool, optional): use tqdm progress bar. Defaults to True. Returns: torch.tensor: positions of the walkers """ _type_ = torch.get_default_dtype() if _type_ == torch.float32: eps = 1E-7 elif _type_ == torch.float64: eps = 1E-16 if self.ntherm >= self.nstep: raise ValueError('Thermalisation longer than trajectory') with torch.no_grad(): if self.ntherm < 0: self.ntherm = self.nstep + self.ntherm self.walkers.initialize(pos=pos) fx = pdf(self.walkers.pos) fx[fx == 0] = eps pos, rate, idecor = [], 0, 0 rng = tqdm(range(self.nstep), desc='INFO:QMCTorch| Sampling', disable=not with_tqdm) tstart = time() for istep in rng: for id_elec in self.fixed_id_elec_list: # new positions Xn = self.move(pdf, id_elec) # new function fxn = pdf(Xn) fxn[fxn == 0.] = eps df = fxn / fx # accept the moves index = self._accept(df) # acceptance rate rate += index.byte().sum().float().to('cpu') / \ (self.nwalkers * self._move_per_iter) # update position/function value self.walkers.pos[index, :] = Xn[index, :] fx[index] = fxn[index] fx[fx == 0] = eps if (istep >= self.ntherm): if (idecor % self.ndecor == 0): pos.append('cpu').clone()) idecor += 1 if with_tqdm: " Acceptance rate : {:1.2f} %", (rate / self.nstep * 100)) " Timing statistics : {:1.2f} steps/sec.", self.nstep/(time()-tstart)) " Total Time : {:1.2f} sec.", (time()-tstart)) return
[docs] def configure_move(self, move: Dict): """Configure the electron moves Args: move (dict, optional): method to move the electrons. default('all-elec','normal') \n 'type': 'one-elec': move a single electron per iteration \n 'all-elec': move all electrons at the same time \n 'all-elec-iter': move all electrons by iterating through single elec moves \n 'proba' : 'uniform': uniform ina cube \n 'normal': gussian in a sphere \n Raises: ValueError: If moves are not recognized """ self.movedict = move if 'type' not in self.movedict.keys(): print('Metroplis : Set 1 electron move by default') self.movedict['type'] = 'one-elec' if 'proba' not in self.movedict.keys(): print('Metroplis : Set uniform trial move probability') self.movedict['proba'] = 'uniform' if self.movedict['proba'] == 'normal': _sigma = self.step_size / \ (2 * torch.sqrt(2 * torch.log(torch.as_tensor(2.)))) self.multiVariate = MultivariateNormal( torch.zeros(self.ndim), _sigma * torch.eye(self.ndim)) self._move_per_iter = 1 if self.movedict['type'] not in [ 'one-elec', 'all-elec', 'all-elec-iter']: raise ValueError( " 'type' in move should be 'one-elec','all-elec', \ 'all-elec-iter'") if self.movedict['type'] == 'all-elec-iter': self.fixed_id_elec_list = range(self.nelec) self._move_per_iter = self.nelec else: self.fixed_id_elec_list = [None]
[docs] def move(self, pdf: Callable, id_elec: int) -> torch.Tensor: """Move electron one at a time in a vectorized way. Args: pdf (callable): function to sample id_elec (int): index f the electron to move Returns: torch.tensor: new positions of the walkers """ if self.nelec == 1 or self.movedict['type'] == 'all-elec': return self.walkers.pos + self._move(self.nelec) else: # clone and reshape data : Nwlaker, Nelec, Ndim new_pos = self.walkers.pos.clone() new_pos = new_pos.view(self.nwalkers, self.nelec, self.ndim) # get indexes if id_elec is None: index = torch.LongTensor(self.nwalkers).random_( 0, self.nelec) else: index = torch.LongTensor(self.nwalkers).fill_(id_elec) # change selected data new_pos[range(self.nwalkers), index, :] += self._move(1) return new_pos.view(self.nwalkers, self.nelec * self.ndim)
def _move(self, num_elec: int) -> torch.Tensor: """propose a move for the electrons Args: num_elec (int): number of electrons to move Returns: torch.tensor: new positions of the walkers """ if self.movedict['proba'] == 'uniform': d = torch.rand( (self.nwalkers, num_elec, self.ndim), device=self.device).view( self.nwalkers, num_elec * self.ndim) return self.step_size * (2. * d - 1.) elif self.movedict['proba'] == 'normal': displacement = self.multiVariate.sample( (self.nwalkers, num_elec)).to(self.device) return displacement.view( self.nwalkers, num_elec * self.ndim) def _accept(self, proba: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """accept the move or not Args: proba (torch.tensor): probability of each move Returns: t0rch.tensor: the indx of the accepted moves """ proba[proba > 1] = 1.0 tau = torch.rand_like(proba) index = (proba - tau >= 0).reshape(-1) return index.type(torch.bool)